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That fucking Oh No song that is used in TikTok

That one that goes “I’m good and I’m feeling alright” to the beat of I’m Blue. It inflicts me with so much indescribable anger to take a great song beat-for-beat and make it into the most corporate piece of ass on this earth


There is a song called Ghost Ride the Whip by Family Force 5. They are a Christian Crunkcore band that my wife liked growing up. It is exactly as lame and ear bleed inducing as you are imagining.

1-877-kars for kids.

more importantly, tell me why both are wonderwall

There’s a song called stealing electricity that starts with “there’s a Mexican dead on a power line” that then goes on to compare someone getting electrocuted by a power line to the feeling people have when they’re in love.

It came on autoplay one day and I’ve been fascinated ever since

The oh no song, stupid tik tok made that song insufferable

That “happy happy happy” song that people put over memes for minimum effort

I’ll give you a hint, it has been on radio repeat the last few days and will continue to be there until the end of the month (and it will be back again at this exact time next year)

Edit: correction, there are many solutions

Simply Having A Wonderful Christmastime (the version that loops the fucking name of the song 80 fucking times)

“Don’t worry, be happy”. No hate on the song, but the message always pissed me off. Not all problems in life are solvable with the right attitude.

Dance Monkey by Tones and I.

Shine bright like a diamond. Shine bright like a diamond.
Musical vomit.

“Rude” by MAGIC!

“And we were trying different things
And we were smoking funny things“

Piece of shit Kid Rock song “all summer long” mashing up “werewolves of London”, “night moves”, and “sweet home alabama” in some shitty incestuous crap rock.

Christmas Shoes. Because it makes my mom cry.

I’m unstoppable
I’m unstoppable today
(repeat 500 times)

Happy by Pharrel and that god awful “DONT TAKE THESE BEAUTIFUL THINGS THAT I GOT” song

Megan Trainor, everything she has ever made. I don’t think I’ve ever hated an artist as much as I despise her music. It’s just so painfully… Millennial.

Swagger Jagger by Cher Lloyd is probably the song I’ve listened to that I think is most devoid of any creativity or quality. There is no single aspect of that song that is not abjectly appalling.  

I work in retail. We ain’t got all day but, Taylor Swift’s ENTIRE roster. You get to a point you start hate singing cause you hear the same songs too damn much. I’d rather suffer through Muzak.

Shape Of You. They played this at least once an hour, sometimes twice at my gym for almost a year straight.

Hi High Hopes- Panic at the Disco. Heard it at least 8-12 times a shift while at work when it first came out because the work-radio could only find one channel.

That Applebee’s song

Look At What You Made Me Do by Taylor Swift

Watermelon sugar.

Blurred Lines. Not only is it rapey it just sounds annoying.

Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Time. Genuinely no redeeming qualities about that song. Singing is bad, backing track is uninspired, and the grip it has on the cultural zeitgeist is nauseating, especially around the holiday season. That song is fucking TRASH.

That Cheryl Crow and Kid Rock song. I can’t stand it and I like both of them to an extent.

Dance Monkey. Man it’s annoying.

Rockstar by Nickelback.

I don’t like the band, but I do also feel like the hate is forced.

But fuck that song. If it’s satire, it really doesn’t land. If it isn’t satire then holy shit. Absolute dogshit.

That “I’m Good and I’m Feeling Alright” song that samples I’m Blue. What a creatively bankrupt song. Never had I heard something that so encapsulates everything wrong with corporate music

That horrid jingle that plays where you get survey ad on YouTube

I don’t know the name, and don’t want to. Justin Bieber, ” I get me weed from Colorado, my peaches from Georgia,” etc. Snobby bitch is rich and rubbing it in your face. Get your weed and peaches from the corner store like everyone else.

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