That’s one way to inject some excitement into the morning

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“I can win, or we can *both* lose”

I know what a lesbian is, I know what pronouns are, I consider myself progressive…I’ve never heard of a he/him lesbian.

What the absolute fuck is a he/him lesbian?

Pops had he/him lesbians in his day, I think they were just called butch

Based on what I hear about lesbians a he/him lesbian is me… I’m a dude but GOD I love women to the point of philosophy

That back half rocked me so hard I forgot what a Nintendo Switch was for a good 5 minutes.

To play devil’s advocate for a minute, when I’m elderly and teetering on the edge of insanity, if I had a grandkid express their distaste for a present by purposefully bringing up something my brain can’t comprehend and literally making me have a mental health crisis at dinner sounds like a dick move. Leave pop pop alone damn, he’s tired. He’s waiting to die.

The Count of Monte Cristo would have been a SO much better book if he’d been getting revenge for not getting a Switch for xmas

What in the Jurassic lizard cock is a he/him lesbian?

Am… Am I your pop pop w dementia? I think I might be.

I was raised mostly by lesbians – when i was a teenager, I heard this term for the first time and assumed it was about the couple dudes who were Just Kinda Around in the lesbian community. Bringing bean dip to the potluck, and taking me out for ice cream when my moms needed a few hours off. Thanks Marc <3

Sometimes I feel like people just make up terms to mess with people, that or I’m getting old

Weird flex, but you do you boo.

He/him lesbian? Isn’t that the guy who’s trying to strike a chord but it’s probably a minor?


I think he/him lesbians are often butch or nonbinary lesbians who prefer to go by he/him. Its not contradictory because they identify as women or with femininity. It’s often a pronouns =/= gender type thing.

Though I have seen people who identify as transmasc lesbians, and these people are often nonbinary. I don’t personally understand, but it’s none of my business and kind of a nonissue in the grand scheme of things.

well “inject” is how this all started


okay, here’s your switch from Grandma:


Challenge: a LGBT member not talking about gender or sexual orientation for 5 minutes

Dementia is the only explanation for the existence of he/him lesbians to begin with

Ohh, she means the console…

Coincidentally most he/him lesbians tend to be switches

For a light for a gun or like a “switch” or a nintendo

The choices are either a Merry Switchmas, or a Happy New Queer

Odd flex, but hey, you do you!

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Imagine being an adult who throws a tantrum when they don’t get a video game system for Christmas.

So, is it a nintendo switch, or a bedroom switch???

The mere fact that she calls him pop pop tells me she’s not ready for a Switch.

I know of 3 types of switches and somehow I don’t think this person is referring to any of them.

I too want a switch for Christmas. But not in the way you’d think- 🥹😭

you’re going to *attempt* to explain…

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