That’s really an oligarchy.

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Just what enough people voted for.

Pardons the silk road guy* and Biden is a mastermind criminal ffs…

You think Trump supporters wanted anything else?

Voters are going to reap what they sow

It’s what the American electorate wanted.

With a Bishop!

eggs from from 3 dollars to almost 6 dollars where I am at.

When you can only buy one egg at a time you know you’re in trouble.

He’s just a run-of-the-mill anti-Christ doing anti-Christ things. Thanks, MAGA, you fuckers ruined your country.

When. Do. We. Riot?

Well he hasn’t gone golfing yet.

I agree with her but fuck Twitter. Ban this shit already.

Or is it an Oleggarchy?
(Too soon?)

My partners meds tripled in cost due to this.

A huge chunk of people voted for โ€œpricesโ€ but that was just a smokescreen for it being about cultural issues.

They donโ€™t care who is in charge, or if their lives get worse, so long as theyโ€™re better than someone else / the other people donโ€™t get something they could get.


Why are national networks live coverage of Trump EO signings. Just theatrical bullshit. Playing right into Trump’s narcissistic need to be in front of a camera.

Sheโ€™s spot on!!

work is hard! enjoy your orange turd maga MORONS!

Holy shit. Are we great yet?? I donโ€™t know if I can take much more โ€œprogressโ€.

We elected him. Let it rot.

Trumps an idiot

One of those 1500 J6ers Andrew Kyle Grigsby was a child pornographer, and another Daniel Charles Ball was released and picked up the day after for weapons charges related to J6, are you sensing a trend here? Alex what is complete incompetence for $2000.

Speculation is they were going to go case by case but Bonespurs attention span was so small he just said fuck it release them all. Promise made promise kept to his cult.

I keep asking trumpers when he’s gonna lower grocery prices

If they bother to respond it’s always angry and desperate deflection

Jo’s tweets are always some of my favorites to read.

He’s not done yet, I will blame everyone who voted for him when this country turns to shit.

She’s actually a bishop; higher up in the org than a pastor. Like a regional manager of the church.

Donโ€™t forget raising taxes on everyone making less than $300k while giving massive breaks to the rich.

Why is she still using X?

Trump is not a president, he’s a dictator, and he needs to be dethroned. Immediately.

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