That’s so sweet

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The magazine looks gigantic.

Well they’re for her now.😆

Man discovered doing side quests

Buying flowers at the local Safeway? He clean

That’s just love right there! Kind acts like this are very important.

Yep. I’m sure the dad definitely said they were for her mom.

It was supposed to be a surprise

Her??? Umm yea ofc they’re for you hunnie. Happy umm Tuesday 🙂

Caught him pink handed

Plot twist: he said he was working late that night

Well now I’m not buying them cuz you ruined the surprise

The dad: “Oh heyyyyy! What am I doing with the flowers? OH I was going to plant them for a friend…yup…”

TIL Safeway still exists outside of the UK

Truth was, he was buying for his girlfriend until he saw you. 😯🥴😁😆

Or maybe they weren’t for your mom.

Until you find out they were not for her.

Does Safeway still exist? I swear it got taken over by Morrisons. At least, the Safeway where I grew up became a Morrisons like 20 years ago.

That’s the assumption.

You’re lucky to have a beautiful family.

Nice story. Random dude in a grocery store.

I wonder if this is true, or if it’s just a picture of some guy buying flowers.

How sweet! My mom and I once ran into my dad at the pharmacy. He was physically restraining an irate person who was screaming at the pharmacists for not refilling his prescription. Once the police arrived, the three of us continued shopping together.

Awwww. Love your Dad!

Shoulda gone to Costco.

A real dad gets good flowers cheap, because he fucks up a lot.

Dad’s plans changed the moment he saw them

Credit: msuskilla – X

What an amazing family!!!!

I think I saw these pics a few years ago.

This reminds me of the time when I had a small fight with my wife. The next day on my way back from work I stopped at a bakery that I knew she liked, to buy something for her, as a way to apologize. And then I joined the queue at billing only to see her right in front of me. Guess we both had the same thought. When I tapped her on the shoulder with a grin, she got even more mad, because her surprise was ruined. Made the walk together back home pretty funny for me.

That’s a wegmans.

That is sweet. If I bought flowers for my wife should probably just throw them in the trash.

would have been funny if he also had a happy anniversary card and it wasnt their anniversary

Plot twist, your mom is allergic to flowers!

Yeah right…

What has he done?

That’s exactly what would say someone who buys flowers for his side-girl.

He’s having an affair.

“For her”


“For her”

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What did he do?

What’s he trying to apologize for?

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