That’s why I don’t pay any Taxes

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I couldn’t buy Health Insurance cause the government assumed I was dead, well then how come the IRS keep collecting my tax? Have they been knowingly collecting taxes from a dead person?!

Just stop paying Texas

> “Why does the working class, the larger of the two classes, not simply eat the rich?”
– Lrrr

Billionaires: I hear you, but also… no

The people with the money are the ones making the rules and somehow everyone seems to be okay with that.

Not only are they not qualified but they also serve their own interests

Taxes suck, but good luck dealing with the IRS if you decide not to pay them.

The real problem is the billionaires convincing a large chunk of lower classes that is correct.

Money was just a way for the powerful to stay in power once fuedalism fell to capitalism. Now instead of some inbred idiot telling me he should lead cause God sent him to lead the country; I instead have some inbred idiot telling me he should lead cause his wallet is big…


Ha this presumes there aren’t millions of regular people on the billionaires side. We literally just elected 1 for president.

I want to know how taxing the billionaires will benefit everyone else. If it’s not going to benefit most people I truly don’t care.

That’s the thing. You shouldn’t want it. You should take it.

But then they vote WITH the billionaires…

Neat. You “took the country back”.

Now things will surely improve!

I swear the first politician to re-introduce higher tax brackets for the ultra wealthy like we used to have back in 1970s will have my vote for eternity

I am always amazed that more billares are not eaten by the poor

To be fair that billionaires son is about to turn 10 and he needs to buy him a $50,000,000 yacht for his birthday. How is he supposed to do that if he had to pay taxes. That’s way more important than you needing to buy food, or put gas your car because you have to pick up extra shifts in order to keep your bills paid and pay daycare because you have to work longer hours. Be more considerate.

Like you lot got a choice, sit and keep suffering and smiling guys


Government = has guns, can make rules, doesn’t enforce them cus of kick-backs

Billionaires = has money, can’t make rules, can only bribe people.

The ones in charge are the government. They take bribes and kickbacks from the Billionaires.

We have a government corruption issue.. not a Billionaire issue.

That’s not why you don’t pay taxes. Only poor people don’t pay taxes.

This except the trusted a billionaire who said “you are all right”

A lot of working class people identify with billionaires and are more than happy for them to pay less tax, as long as they have minority scapegoats to punish for the economic consequences of voting against their own interests.


This picture left out the rows of cops protecting the billionaire.

we are more than then but they have a lot more money ahah

General strike

Not to say the billionaires are right, but a close look at 20th century history should tell us that “the majority is always right” is a terrible conclusion to make

Top earners remain targets for tax increases, but the federal income tax system is already highly progressive. In 2023, the latest year with available data, the top 1 percent of income earners earned 26 percent of all income and paid 46 percent of all federal income taxes – more than the bottom 95 percent combined (33 percent).

Tell me more….

That’s how democracy works. The people have Thier voice…and the billionaires decide what happens.

I mean WE ALL could just stop paying taxes..

Tax reform? Only reduction, nothing else!


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