I love seeing what old movies thought the future would be like, and how close or how far they hit the mark. This movie has a good one, too.. they use the old trope of a newspaper headline to set the scene, [in this case from a Los Angeles Times dated June 24, 2024: “2024 CRIME RATES AT AN ALL TIME LOW: COUNTY JAIL TO CLOSE DOORS AT YEARS END”, then cut to futuristic landscape shots which make the LA of 2024 look like Heaven on Earth lol](/#spoiler)
genuinely strange creepy and original
I love seeing what old movies thought the future would be like, and how close or how far they hit the mark. This movie has a good one, too.. they use the old trope of a newspaper headline to set the scene, [in this case from a Los Angeles Times dated June 24, 2024: “2024 CRIME RATES AT AN ALL TIME LOW: COUNTY JAIL TO CLOSE DOORS AT YEARS END”, then cut to futuristic landscape shots which make the LA of 2024 look like Heaven on Earth lol](/#spoiler)