The 36th president of the United States.

By rzr-12
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Context: true quote attribution; LBJ was also essential in passing the Civil Rights Act. He spoke bluntly.

Very disappointing that more people don’t know this quote, or the context in which it was said.

Edit. This wasn’t LBJs personal take, this was a commentary. He was a very progressive president for 1960s America.

Was this the president with the huge wang?

Literally spelled the whole thing out for us and we still don’t get it. No war but class war

“Every man is a king so long as he has someone to look down on.”

– Sinclair Lewis “It Can’t Happen Here”

I will never understand why it’s like that; what is so wrong with people that they can’t be happy unless there is some minority they do not like suffering? People need to stop this nonsense and focus on their own affairs-and make their own happiness

You need to learn the facts behind this quote. He was commenting on signs he had seen on the side of the road when the presidential motorcade was traveling through Tennessee. He was pointing out what politicians did.

His views on race made a 180 especially once he became president. He said:

‘Most of us don’t have a second chance to correct the mistakes of our youth. I do and I am.’

Think what you will of LBJ but the man who was 36th president was not the same youth who grew up in 1900’s Texas.

No wonder the right totally lost it when Obama got elected

Attention: CULT,
Trump spends more actual time on emails grifting you than he does running America. Here’s a thinking exercise for you… why is he always asking for $$ ?

Translation for the current administration:

Look, folks, you tell the working guy, ‘You’re better than those other people, way better, the best,’ and let me tell you, he loves it. Doesn’t even ask questions! Doesn’t even care what’s happening with his paycheck—because, guess what? He’s too busy winning! It’s incredible.

You just give him someone to blame—maybe immigrants, maybe China, who knows?—and boom, he’s all in. He’ll vote, he’ll cheer, he’ll buy the hat. Loves the hat. And they say, ‘Sir, isn’t this bad for him?’ And I say, ‘No, because he feels great!’ And feeling great is what really matters, folks. Believe me!

![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) evil *at least* used to be ***competent***.

Yup, trump had the playbook. Except this time it was the Hispanics. Although he’s certainly an equal opportunity racist.

Never been more true

That is precisely what is still happening today and we are currently dealing with consequences. Smh!

This country will destroy itself in the end

The last working-class president.

Also one of the only, for that matter.

How far we’ve fallen

Still a piece of crap Pres.


bad memories

Oof, too real

Not every white person believes in looking down on non whites but there were enough in America to get Trump to become president. Truly sad times. And hell even now trump is making enemies of Canada, Mexico and all of Europe. What a disgrace to America’s founding fathers, acting on emotion rather than logic. Traitors running amuck in the white house.

Sheesh. Some of you need to crack open a history book.

He was also a felon who tried to blow up a bank with dynamite on strings. He blew out the windows of the bank. He also later was indicted for Kennedy’s assassination.

Drumf followed this lesson to perfection.

Pic of him picking up his basset hound by the ears is stunning.

Completely unrelated fact about LBJ: he absolutely loved showing people his dick. Like he just whipped it out in meetings sometimes

You can also replace it with straight and lgbt. Having a majority hate a minority is a classic tactic for these people.

This the guy that used to sexually harass people by exposing himself constantly? I thought Reddit was against that sort of thing lol.

Either way, broken clocks and all that.

This is true.

Poor, miserable white people will vote against their best interests if that vote ensures people they don’t like are more poor and miserable than they are.

Better being the bottom rung than the dirt.

There is something poetic in the sense that the white man who would believe that is already the lowest white man.

The best part is you know he said this with a “HUHWHITE”

He was a COMPLETE BOOB ! Just think Viet Nam War ; 55,000 MEn NEVER came back !

Fucking spot on

worst president in american history

It just makes me sad that people are willing to give up everything so that others get nothing.

empty out your pockets i need all that

LeBron James said that!?

Context: There are also quotes readily available that reveal Johnson’s open bigotry and political manipulation of civil rights issues. He often used the N word in public without reservation. Some of those quotes can be found here: [Did LBJ Say ‘I’ll Have Those N*****s Voting Democratic for 200 Years’? |]( (I’m not a SNOPES fan but the quotes look legit)

It is also well known that a higher percentage of Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 then did Democrats. The democrats led a 60 day filibuster against the legislation.

We can conclude that Johnson, often held up as a defender of civil rights and protector of blacks, was an open and proud bigot who catered to the racist southern Dixiecrats and used civil rights issues as a tool for political gain.

He was also a pervert who often paraded around in front of his daughter and friends in the nude. He was so well known for these antics that he received the nickname “Bull Nuts” referring to what is described as his testicular endowment.

Look up some of his other famous quotes. He called the civil rights act the N bill.

I miss the time when American presidents were smart.

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