The absolute irony.

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Ah yes, nothing says ‘freedom of choice’ like questioning why a company chooses not to advertise somewhere. The free market at work, indeed!

This here is exactly why having oligarchs is a problem, the market won’t be free.

On where?

He’s selfish and has what Nietzsche called “ruler ethics”. To him, good is everything that helps him and bad is everything that doesn’t. Very dangerous.

Luigi, we need your help again.

Private entities have freedom of choice especially if their money is on the line.


Dude’s banning people left and right just because he doesn’t like them. Free speech my a**

I thought only Russia had oligarchs. Is elon one of Americas?

Elon Musk is the only mf that can make me side with Apple, he is *that* fucking stupid

Really wish liberals began hating him when he started Tesla and claimed he revolutionized electric cars instead of stroking his ego only to flip flop when he buddied up to Trump. Then we wouldn’t have a man child owning social media

lol the irony is thick with this one 😂

Such a shit stirrer

He hates the free market because it doesn’t benefit him. It isn’t unique to him. But Elon does love to complain that not advertising on his platform means you hate free speech. And telling customers to go fuck themselves if they don’;t want to advertise and then sue for not advertising.

Can’t someone Luigi this ass already? Am sick of his stupid behaviour already

It’s not that Elon doesn’t understand what freedom is, it’s that he doesn’t _care_ what freedom is

He’s got an agenda and he’ll say any bullshit to push it

He doesn’t care about freedom

Dumb tnuc doesn’t understand free speech and the consequences of free speech

Or maybe the ROI sucked and their capitalism loving company decided not to waste any more money on that shit hole.

If I had the time. I would just reply to every single one of his “tweets” with the picture of him looking bald and goofy. You know the one

Twitter as opposed to X?

Forced speech is the opposite of free speech

Just got suspended this morning myself. Hilariously stating “Targeted Harassment”. Letting MAGAts know that their cult leader’s shenanigans are hurtful. Coincidence? Could be the new homeland security puppy killing Krusty NOem doesn’t like her hypocrisy pointed out. 🤣

Why is he calling it twitter?

Make Elon Go Away

Why did he call it Twitter? Haha

The world is run by fuckin idiots. This guy would have been like Nero or some useless monarch back in the day.

Apple are trying to reach intelligent people. So I get why they are not advertising on twitter anymore. All the smart people left that hell hole after Elon took over.

Is he even listening to himself? lol

Since when does he call it twitter?

How is this a clever comeback?

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