The American experience

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How are American workers not already radicalised?

The billionaires ners spit in their faces and most of them vote to put the billionaires in high office. Some of them don’t care that elon’s in the White House without a vote.

For a country that’s so proud to have pulled off a successful revolution against tyranny, we sure do eat a lot of shit now. We’re pretty much just spineless simps for billionaires now.

More strikes are needed. How disgusting.

Amazon will probably begin seeking other employees at that warehouse who are willing to donate their PTO to cover the days off (wouldn’t surprise me at all)

People don’t have much anymore, but they have just enough to fear losing it. People are being pushed to the edge of the cliff. Things aren’t going to be good for anyone when they finally slip off.

*Freedom* they promised

Just wait until the insurance companies deny her claims.


I’m gonna need you to go ahead and come in tomorrow.

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Corpos don’t care about bad press. They only care about the Luigi solution.

Americans in the meantime as a whole: rolling over and continuing everyday life.

What a class act from her employer!

Pay 9999999$ in hospital bills to unlock full American experience

Not surprised. Worked for Amazon for 2.5 yrs. Worst company ever but they throw money around like it’s growing on trees.

They’d rather fire her and pay the fine/settlement for wrongful termination than show any sign of humanity.

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The right has been taught to not attack the rich since they’ll become millionaires any day now.

“But did you die?”the supervisor, probably

I’m sure they’ll get her a stool so she can rest her foot, and then brag on multiple internal and external channels about how much they care for their employees.

And then they’ll fire her in two weeks for not meeting quota the first day she’s back.

That exact article linked in the tweet goes further and while I totally agree corporate slugs should wither away that doesn’t detract from the headline being misleading: “The Amazon warehouse where she works originally denied her request for a leave of absence, but the company said in a statement Friday that they’ve since spoken with her and given her time off with pay.

“We wish her a full recovery and look forward to welcoming her back to work once she’s able,” said Amazon spokesperson Kelly Nantel.”

America, FUCK YEAH! Coming again to save the motherfucking day yeah! Murica, FUCK YEAH! Freedom is the only way yeah!

Work already told her no. Waiting to see what her insurance, if she had any, says.

“Sorry, but the bullet in your foot is a secondary condition, we don’t cover those.”


Drag queens reading books to kids in libraries though


Will get paid in freedom eagles.

doesnt matter….united healthcare will deny her claims as “not medically necessary” to remove the bullet. she doesn’t need her foot anyway.


This is the dystopian future we see in movies…now our present.

They’ve convinced poor people that other poor people that look or live differently are the enemy when the real enemy are the billionaires

Anything area not regulated at this point is ultimately going to host predatory behavior.

Remember this next time Amazon slaps you across the face with a “what the world needs now is love, love, love” commercial

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