The answer here is quite obvious to me

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Better version of this question would be that all 4 are having their filmographies deleted. What’s the one film that you would save for each of them?

I like some of Rogens movies but I would drop him before Carrey, Ferrell or Sandler.

I’d trade all four to get Chris Farley back.

The people saying Seth are wounding my Pineapple Express soul

Unpopular opinion but I never thought Will Ferrell movies were funny. The only movie I liked was Land of the Lost that everybody forgot and it’s mostly for Danny McBride. Will Ferrell is funnier when he is not the lead.

Hot take its Adam Sandler.

Can’t stand Sandler

Any millennials who would wipe *40-Year-Old Virgin*, *Anchorman* (yes Seth Rogan plays a cameraman in that movie), and *Superbad* from existence do not deserve to hold the title of “millennial”.

Seth Rogen, hands down

I don’t watch any of their movies but Adam Sandler. Without question.

Carrey, I mean I thought he was hilarious when I was a child and replayed the rino part in pet detective over and over again. But as an adult I just can’t sit through any of his movies because I feel like they’re trying too hard or something


I have never understood enjoying the same flavor of Will Ferrell in every movie. Dude is one note. Everyone else here has some range. Hell, even Sandler has more range than Ferrell.

Will Ferrell. Anchorman 1 has its moments, that’s it for me. I’m still angry about DeAngelo Vickers. The pic of him dressed as the elf last week just screamed “LOOK AT ME I NEED ATTENTION”.
ETA: I forgot about Stranger Than Fiction. I do really like that movie but Will Ferrell is acting like a normal person in it…not being all “Will Ferrell”.


Sorry Adam, you’ve made a lot of trash lately

Easy! Will Ferrell.

Jim Carrey

Rogen and it’s not even close 

Jim Carey can go and I wouldn’t care at all.


Will Ferrell. Never found him funny. The Office is one of my favorite tv shows and I didn’t even find him funny in that.

Easiest decision of the day, probably. Sandler.

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