The anticipation and excitement of going out with friends.

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I have a very small friends circle, well triangle 😅, and we are like this.

Whoever makes plans is there on time and everyone else is ready to go. We respect each others time and that’s why we’re all still friends 🙂

The classic dad clothes too

They grow up so fast.

This is nice, too many older men don’t really have friends

What this is, is a personality that is ready and on time. They know the travel time. He’s just punctual.

It’s the little things in life.

This is the age when getting a call from your friends to go out is very rare. Most if not all have moved away long time ago or you did so your self. So yeah, a random call from your friend to go out is like having your crush give you a note in class. We’re all just shells for our childhood pretending to be an “adult”. Being an adult is mastering lying. Lying about who you really are so others see you as “normal”…whatever the hell that means these days. Don’t let these childhood feelings and moments be ruined by people who don’t matter to you. Go have the best day you’ve ever had since you were a kid.

I thought this was a video and sat longer than one should waiting for it to begin 🤦🏾‍♂️

Damn I’m turning 40 this year and I feel that.

It’s sweet, it’s just that our fathers do a great job to give us a future, and they rarely rest, so it’s exciting for them!

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This is so wholesome! It’s awesome to see men getting to interact with their community, and be happy and eager to engage!!!

Love this!

HELL yes

This is the way

The will be us someday 🥺

Why isn’t he standing out by the mailbox?

You lose friends as you get older. Hanging out becomes the best thing especially with an old buddy.

Killer hutch!

Side note: That’s a beautiful hutch

My fathers best friend from childhood was sitting in our garden the sun in a lounging chair while my father got some groceries or something. He was sitting there like” how long does it take?” And ” i miss my friend”. These dudes are over 60 and he wasn’t sitting there longer than 15 minutes.

Should drink a beer while he waits

I imagine what he feels right now.

I love this.

Me waiting at my place for my friends to come over for board game night. Literally propped up on my windowsill waiting to see their cars.

I’m punctual as fuck, always. But my friend group are a bunch of fucking hippies who couldn’t be punctual if their lives depended on it.

Hence, I always drive…. and sit in the car or on their couch while they finish getting ready.

I’m like this when friends come over for 40k and when they cancel last minute it hurts.

My dad used to wait at the end of the driveway!

He never showed up

Plus waited for her at movies same treatment

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