The architect is wild

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This is the swastik symbol in Hinduism/jainism/buddhism and it signifies good fortune, peace and considered auspicious

Yep it’s a holy symbol here in India, nothing to do with the symbol you may be thinking about.

A swastika – symbolizing the sun or good luck in Hinduism.
Had it been inverted (left-facing), it would be a sauvastika, symbolizing the night.

The German national socialists really fucked up peoples understanding of ancient religious symbols…

Be Clear Hitler’s sign is HakkenCruz/Hooked Cross and not the peace prosperity symbol Swastika

[Documentary Must Watch – English Sub](

Both my parents were Buddhist and I remember my mom gave me a pendant that was going to protect me from evil when I left to study abroad for high school.

The school saw the symbol and wanted to suspend me. I had to explain to them what it was, but they didn’t believe me 😂

If this building is in India, I don’t foresee any issues

Swastika has been literally used in Indian religions for 100s of years. It’s a symbol of peace, prosperity, good fortune there.

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The swastika is considered to be a holy symbol in Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism, and for millennia it was viewed as a symbol for good luck among many cultures all across the world.

Even Jews used it in one form or another way back when.

Its hindu.

This is the house of a religious Hindu family.
I can bet that the family doesn’t even know what a “Nazi” was.

India probably.

Was a holy symbol, is a holy symbol, will continue to be a holy symbol.

One fuck misusing it will not change that to India.

If i had to guess this is somewhere in India where the swastika is a popular Buddhist symbol

The ignorance of westerners.

Tell me you don’t know history and cultures without telling me you don’t know history and cultures.

This symbol goes way beyond the 1930s/40s. Perhaps look into it more?

I mean we can find the swastika in so many different cultures globally. At the same time, I find it understandable that so many of us recognize its use by the nazis.

However, people beed more awareness.

Ah, kiddies these days looking to call anything or anyone a nazi without understanding basic things such as what the original symbol is or means, or how it’s used to this day in eastern countries.

This is a clear example of not considering the context when sharing stuff online.

Like when US share people with capirotes from Hispanic countries and they start saying things related to KKK.

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This one is on a military base.

Can you not tell the difference between a Buddhist symbol and a Nazi one?

Naw the architect is just hindu….

Crazy how the Nazis thought they were the greatest race on earth,. And they couldn’t even create their own symbol. They had to disgrace one of the oldest symbols of peace on earth. The hits just keep coming

That’s ethnocentric approach right there. World isn’t just how much you know it. Post only well reseached posts. It’s a holy Hindu symbol “Swastika” and not the tilted one ie Nazi’s. It’s much older probably dating back to some BCs.

And the OP is ignorant.

It’s not angled enough to be what you think it is.

It’s a Buddhist holy symbol

“I didn’t know it would come out that way”

God dammit Frank

Swastika means a different thing in India, it’s a symbol for good furniture.
Then came few idiots saw the symbol and thought hey let’s appropriate it use it for hate.
Anyway you’d also find swastika type symbols in other regions in Asia.
Fuck nazis for ruining what’s beautiful.

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