The best billionaire is still a bad person. Billionaires should not exist!

By zzill6
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Eat ’em

If someone can hoard billions while people can’t afford rent or healthcare, the system is the problem.

Billionaires exist because of political choices that incentive hoarding and non-salary compensation instead of sharing profits with the workers who actually create the wealth.

All Republicans and far too many Democrats support and personally benefit from this political choice.

I only donate to Democrats who are fiercely pro-worker. I will not donate to the party or to any corporate Democrats.

The only billionaire I am okay with is Mackenzie Scott because she seems to be really trying to give it away and she has to be married to Jeff Bezos to get it in the first place. That seems tough.

Centralized power is cancer to society no matter who it is 👈

As a result of eliminating/freezing UASID many people around the world will die of starvation, perhaps it is already happening. So, the combo of hoarding wealth and being personally responsible for starving others to death is especially evil.

This sentiment is so basic. Billionaires are evil because there’s no way to amass that level of wealth without exploitation. It’s not that they’re ‘not nice’ and sharing their wealth, it’s that they are actively ruining other people’s lives in order to profit in volumes that are incomprehensible and completely unnecessary.

Amazon is a perfect example. Bezos’ absurd wealth is propped up by forcing drivers into insane schedules where they can’t afford to stop for a bathroom break or a lunch break on a long-ass shift, and they’re forced to be independent contractors so they receive no workplace protections or benefits. Warehouse workers have to maintain near-impossible quotas that break their bodies and their emotional welfare. It’s completely unnecessary: Amazon could make drivers employees, pay them well, give them workplace protections, and still profit more than God can even comprehend. They could hire more warehouse workers and not break people’s bodies and still be richer than fuck.

They don’t do that, though, because they are sociopathic evil leeches on society.

I’m not religious but if greed is a sin then that’s a billion tiny sins. It’s gotta add up.

Imagine having so much wealth you could innovate healthcare- pay off every American’s medical debt, help expand Mark Cuban’s CostPlusDrugs efforts, build not for profit healthcare systems, innovate city planning- provide safe affordable housing in walkable neighborhoods that provide grocery options every other block; no food deserts- mass transit, my god that alone would make lives so much better.

Thank god people are wising up. I’ve been saying that for like 10+ years. Lol

I don’t think they are holding onto cash. It’s their net value. Granted, they still probably have more cash than us.

I have no issue with them or anyone being billionaire or trillionaires. I have issues that they pay no taxes and don’t pay their employees a fair and good wage so they can afford the over priced insurance. These 1% are a disgrace to humanity.

The only thing billionaires can do to be called crazy is part with their money. Everything else they do is praised as genius.

2 of thousands. And we outnumber them millions.

You can’t eat green paper dollars. I think it makes sense to consider how they spend money, not just that they have it. 

If a billionaire spends hundreds of millions on a yatch they use once a year, pulling away engineering and material resources from society, or has 4 empty houses, that’s really bad.

But if they live within reason and mostly use the excess capitol for philanthropy/ investment I think that’s ok. 

I think in all this noise we forget that entrepreneurship should not be discouraged.

Poverty is a reflection of wealth inequality, meaning; when wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few individuals, others are left without the resources to meet their basic needs, resulting in poverty.

We used to slay the dragons, whatever happened to that?

If all the billionaires in the world gave all their money away equally, you’d get like $50. 

Please explain how that will make you better after you spent the $50 on a bag of Doritos, a case of Mt Dew code Red and a an only fans subscription?


The problem with billionaires is that they’re not any smarter than anyone else. They’re just people, and they come with all the same failings that everyone else has. And that means they can fall prey to conspiracy theories and nonsense philosophies, like we’re seeing in the tech bro community right now. But because they’re billionaires, they actually have the ability to force their crazy onto the rest of us, and that’s actively happening now behind the scenes of the current administration.

Here’s an entertaining video explainer:

It’s kinda like if your racist flat-earther uncle won the lottery and started funding political candidates. It’s not any different than that. Most of these people simply luck out or were born into their wealth, and don’t have any special knowledge or education beyond the rest of us. In a lot of cases they’re probably way less educated because they get to skate through their lives due to their assets. This thing where we all defer to billionaires because of their perceived value has got to stop. In fact, we should have the opposite attitude altogether. We should pity them for their obvious antisocial tendencies and mental health issues that require them to hoard as much wealth as they can, and force them to get help, and ignore their opinions because they’re oftentimes significantly worse than random uneducated meemaws.

We are all sometimes bad people.

We are all sometimes good people.

At any moment in time.


I heard about the game and played it. I knew it was a lesson in life and ignored it as it seemed ridiculous.

I think we are in the last part of the game we are holding debt notes and the winners have piles of cash wanting to lend more so they can win more and feel good.

You know the game nears its end when kids die in 1st world hospitals when the cure is not given for fear of a bean counters profit margin.

Keep wondering how they are doing in the Huey Long timeline probably doing pretty great

So also job pitzter right? Oh wait it’s (d) different

Also, don’t be selective. That applies to jay z, Taylor swift, Selena Gomez, and the rest of the billionaire celebs everyone worships.

If I were that rich I wouldn’t give you or anybody a dime. I would tell you to work for it so I can make more. 😂

Success bad failure good, which means you should be nominated for sainthood any minute now. As a side note between the two of them they employ about 2,000,000 people

When I had a high paying job, I would throw tons of money at RIP Medical Debt (now known as Undue) every month. They would buy medical debts from billers and just forgive it. I hate that this is one of the most effective ways to bring people out of poverty, but that’s where we are. Because in America we would rather let companies sell debt to collectors like it’s lottery scratch-offs before forgiving debts outright.

then what is the incentive to do your best?

Assets != money

If you want to change the world you need to have a little bit of brain. They don’t have nor hold that much money. Their worth is ESTIMATED based on the SPECULATIVE value of their properties.

The truth that most their wealth is make believe is even worse than the idea that they’re sitting on stacks of hundreds of billions of dollars.

That’s what all the right wing propaganda (cnn nbc fox msnbc they are all the same, mouthpieces of the RICH) has done; convinced us that being a billionaire isn’t inherently evil in and of itself. Which it is. 

There is no set limit on abundance. Hating on those who make money fulfilling needs and wants because they’re “hoarding” is fallacious. The people you want to eat are the ones who use violence (including through the state) to control or steal from you.

Every time one of these posts drop there’s going to be at least one bootlicking lurker ready and waiting with the “but it’s their money to spend however they want!” Meanwhile, the rest of us are forced to contribute to society in the form of taxes.

Musk isn’t just hoarding absurd amounts of wealth. He garnered much of it while actively pretending to be in favor of a (paraphrased) “multiplanetary, environmentally friendly, innovative, post-scarcity, Star Trek style egalitarian, sustainable, meritocratic and science-based future for subsequent generations”.

His entire grift was suing his way into Tesla as a founder and then pretending he was making the world a better place. SpaceX was supposed to increase the chances of survival of our n=1 fragile habitat on earth, but Gwynne Shotwell is now pushing the hilarious farce that rockets will replace airplanes for surface to surface destination flights. Meanwhile, they got many billions in taxpayer money off the guarantee that SpaceX’s Starship would fly multiple cargo and crew missions to the moon years ago.

He bought into the MAGA movement to avoid 10x the charges Elizabeth Holmes got rightfully jailed and bankrupted for. No Musk product has ever met the specs and production timeline he guaranteed in investor wrangling rounds. Roadster, full self-driving, semi, a megawatt charging network, robotaxi, BFR, rapidly reusable falcon, tunnel boring at a net profit by selling bricks made from contaminated tunnel spoil (LOL), solar roof tiles, hyperloop, cybertruck… None of these met the assurances Musk made about specs or basic QA/QC or reliability or price or production numbers / timeline. Even the wildly successful bread and butter of Tesla (Y, 3 and S) and SpaceX (Falcon) didn’t meet specs. Battery life and depreciation of Tesla EVs is far worse than promised. Reusability of flown Falcon rockets is weeks or months, not days as was guaranteed.

Musk blaming regulations for these failures is just another distraction from his fraud. Just like the whole nazi salute alt right radicalization. He just bought himself a pardon and his companies a stay of execution for less than half a billion bucks.

Wealth hoarding needs to be a DSM entry

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