The border between India and Bhutan

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So Indians and Bhutanese can travel to each other’s countries without a visa or a passport, virtually?

I donโ€™t know too much about either place. What makes Bhutan supposedly so much nicer?

Question- when dealing with two drastically different nations like these, how do the locals in border communities keep the poverty, violence, and squalor of their neighbors from spilling over onto their side?

The difference between the border of Switzerland and France is quite striking.
Not so much on a level as this but Iโ€™ve never forgotten driving through the Switzerland / France border and feeling the change even though itโ€™s just crossing the line.
Switzerland clean, France, not as much.

Eight years ago the same road that divided bhutan and india
comment image?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=905deb7d7597fc2726319fa65083a28694f83922

If you want to show how dirty india really is, perhaps use the recent pictures at least. This photograph is at least 13 years old, a lot can change in such a long time, india is progressing at an unprecedented pace, I very well understand that there’s still a long way to go, but we’ll get there.

[]( ( image from 2011 )

[]( ( a recent-ish photograph )
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Contrast is clear and also little sad.. but since lots of people don’t know about these countries or their relationship, 2 things to note:

(1) Bhutan is significantly much less populated than its area (relatively easier to clean and maintain)

(2) Bhutan economy, labour, technology all is funded by India including free annual grant of hundreds of millions of dollars.

So yes, squalor aside, Bhutan is like a very large village still living in 1900s. Here the contrast is worse because comparison is with the bordering state of West Bengal which is below average in cleanliness than other parts of India.

Thereโ€™s a more recent picture with the Indian side cleaned up

India on right?ย 

Could be true. it could be false. The pic is from 2016 so chances are it’s not like that. Being said that, Indians do need to keep the environment clean

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This is also india, idk why but everyone on the internet always shows the bad places of india that even indians themselves wouldnt like to visit.

You can tell which side is India

Which side is ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ or ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡น ? /s

Two guesses as to which side is which..

OP busy sharing Pakistani propaganda.

Man the contrast here might be misleading

I know which side is India in this pic

Is this Jaigon (India) and Phuntsoling (Bhutan)? I’ve been there. Twice. Bhutan was one the best experiences of my life. I wish I stayed longer. ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡น Now they’re adding Bitcoin to their Gross National Happiness via Bitcoin mining. Go Druk Yul!

I like how the people in comments, who are literally just basing off their views on india in just a single picture of a very specific part of border, are so Anti-India.

As if bhutan doesnt have garbage sprawling areas. They do have same, just that they are not in this picture.

Lol, everyone knows immediately which country is on which side.

I wonder which is which

What struck me most was the filth on one side of the road in stark contrast to the near and clean stretch on the other side!

Hateposts used to be subtle lol


I dont want to know but I have to know if that is a water canal or piss/shit canal.

is that a headless animal next tot the car?

Which one is the clean side?


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Disgusting. India and North Korea are two countries I would never want to visit.

That certainly looks like no manโ€™s land

All clean and respect till India finds another sacred monument underneath Bhutan

Is the filthy part indian territory?

I really like that little red kei van.

Edit: down voted for liking a car? Cold!

and what about getting visa as an european ?

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