The Boss – Gator Days (OC)

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“Why does the bigger employee simply not eat the small more annoying employer?”

When Ember learns this rule
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“How do adults decide who’s in charge?”

“With money.”

Gator Dad droping the hard truths.

Is the boss’s boss even smaller?

He says “It’s no problem” but his body language says “I’m tired and this work bullshit is the last thing I want to do right now “.

I think we should decide our hierarchies purely on height
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He had to return to the office, but still has to work at home too.

/there ain’t no justice

Gus is gradually learning the hard truths of life.

On the bright side, he’ll get to be in charge if he makes more than his dad!

If its ok for the boss to bother him at home, it should be ok for him to work from home. Simply outrageous

I can imagine little Gus giving his dad his change and asking “is this enough to make you the boss?”

Adults should always decide who’s in charge via dance-off

He is thinking in Warhammer 40k Orcs terms

Honestly, even as an adult this feels kinda weird. I’m been the manager for people who have had kids that are my age.

I would absolutely combust if my boss showed up at my house. Cultural thing I guess.

Wait, do people really allow their bosses to come to their homes to give them work?

Gus’ next recess: “I have $10 in my pocket! So I should be the king here!”


you really know how to hurt a guy, kid.

It’s not always money… sometimes it’s a family connection.

I feel like August is only a few strips away from deciding to go freelance.

Why does the Dad Gator, the largest employee, simply not eat the others?

As a child I definitely subscribed to the ‘taller = more in charge’ thought process. If a tall person asked me to do something, it was done no questions asked

this is incorrect, it’s determined by who kisses the most butt, or who is a relative of the CEO

Why is this so wholesome

A good comic with a simple message. Good work man. I enjoy your comics along with elk’s the most by far. You both deliver what comics are best at. Grew up on newspaper comic strips and would have yours among the first I read along with Opus, Boondocks, and Baby Blues.

Ah gustopher. One day school mandatory reading will require you to read “the once and future king” and then you will learn, like young king Arthur, that might doesn’t make right. Indeed, right makes might!

He is faster than me

An alligator being subservient to a hamster is an incredible representation of the class war

time to randoly ship gator dad and the boss.

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