The Brazen Bull was a torture and execution device designed in Ancient Greece. The victim would be locked inside a large bronze bull, and a fire would be set under it, heating the metal until the person inside was slowly roasted to death.

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I read that the inventor of the device was the first person to be killed in it. For what thatโ€™s worth.

There’s also a metal pipe that runs from the bull’s head into the body, which is the only source of fresh air. When you’re being baked alive, the heat makes it incredibly painful to breath. Victims will use the pipe to ease the pain from breathing while simultaneously screaming. The properties of the pipe attenuates the victim’s screams and pleas into a low bellowing that’s reminiscent of a bull’s cries.


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Worst job in the world was the guy that got to clean it out afterwards!

humans should have the ability to suicide themselves quickly, by holding our breath or something.

fuck sakes some of us are really shite

I read somewhere that the air ducts were built so, that the screams of the poor person inside resembled the bellow of a bull.

It is a mythical torture device.

Why is that ancient greek using cargo pants and snickers though is that part of the torture

What kind of act would warrant this method of punishment??

I heard the guy who invented it got yeeted by his own creation. Thatโ€™s gotta suck

These fancy torture devices always seem apocryphal to me. The cleanup alone would make this a terrible method of execution.

Wasn’t this debunked? Like, it was just a concept they thought of for torture, but it was actually never ever used or tested in real life?

Why is the guy in the graphic wearing Timbs though

An apocryphal story with no archeological evidence coming from a historian with suspect motives.

Wow that’s a real thing? There’s something like this in the book *The Library at Mount Char* but i didn’t know it was based in reality. Amazingly entertaining book, by the way.

It’s hot in those rhinos.

I cant even imagine the agony of going through this and just looking like charcoal after

thankfully there’s not much evidence of this being used, and [it’s possible it’s a hoax. ](

fuuuuuuuuudge. Nobody let Eli Roth see this.

Dear god how did they clean it up and get the old roasted body carciss out?

Psycho!! People always capable of pure evil.

i thought this entire thing was debunked / fake

Love the medieval timbs

Wasnโ€™t this shown to be a bit of a myth? Like yeah it was built, but they never actually went through trying to use it.

>| โ€œThe story of Phalaris and the brazen bull comes from the Greek historian Diodorus Siculus, who lived about 500 years after these events had supposedly taken place. The story, which Italian poet and philosopher Dante referenced in the Inferno, is likely a myth or at least highly embellished.โ€ [](

Iโ€™m honestly surprised how many comments there are from people who never heard of this. Did you guys not have the same 8th grade history teacher who was unusually obsessed with historical torture methods?

Wasn’t this proven to be another one of those Victorian hoaxes?

Why were there so many ways to torture people back in the day?? Why not just execute someone? What kind of crime was this reserved for?

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