The brutish are coming

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If you serve in the military right now, I ask where your spine is – because you serve the constitution and the people.

so you’re saying if I wanna Luigi as many people in our government as it takes until we get to someone good for the country then I will walk free? that’s what you’re saying right?


the quote is from napoleon btw

Trump isn’t worthy of a single dollar Washington is on

George was against political parties. Look where we are now.

> “I, ___, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

Empty words when the rubber hits the road, it seems. There is very clearly both foreign (Musk) and domestic (Trump) enemies attacking the Constitution.

In one month, Trump has destroyed decades of American soft power; he is attacking American allies and strengthening American enemies.

So where are the patriots?


Has people storm the capitol after he just said in 2020 “Law and Order” when he wasn’t a fan of black people protesting.

Then in 2025 pardons the people who raided the capital and killed cops.

…could it be that it was never about law and order /s

That’s some authoritarian bullshit. I know why his supporters don’t see this as him proclaiming himself above the law, but I just can’t understand how.

It hasn’t even been 100 years since Hitler rose to power, there are tens of millions of people alive who are a generation *or less* removed from WWII, there’s no fucking excuse for any of this being allowed, let alone supported.

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So there are no laws. We all just can do as we sit fit for the good of the nation.

We need more Luigi’s

This is very Carl Schmitt


Welcome to fiction becoming reality


He’s the guy our constitution was trying to protect us from. Trying being the key word.

Coming from a guy with multiple felony convictions

I really can’t wait til this Orange Fucker kicks the bucket.

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Immigrants are saving the country, so leave them alone.

Rapist says what?

Elon musk wrote that tweet

Imagine what Washington would say if he saw our our modern liberal regime

He’s got a point. Imagine all the laws the government has broken? My taxes are not represented. Homeless, healthcare, poor, parks, etc. sales/income/property/land etc… all the taxes and I don’t see them being used. That’s 4 counts of fraud x every person in the country. Vote on taxes…. Why don’t we do it? Congress and the Supreme Court do… people who are in power for decades…. Doesn’t make sense.

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