The Chicago River has been dyed green in preparation for St. Patrick’s Day

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The fish
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It apparently only takes [40 lbs]( of dye to make this effect. It’s a dye used by plumbers to detect leaks in pipes. It is allegedly made from vegetables, but the recipe for the dye is kept secret.

“Why can’t they dye it blue the other 364 days of the year.”

Last year I was going to propose to my Irish gf with a fake diamond ring on St Patrick’s Day..but she noticed right away it was a sham rock..

Better than a Dave Matthews band tour bus 🙂

Its perfectly safe but dont go swim in it…

What suprises me the most is that apperently this dye is vegetable based and non toxic


I was there. It’s neon! THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE everywhere. But a beautiful day in the Windy City!

Literally a river of Brawndo


So people can pretend they are Irish

Someone explain to me why America celebrates an Irish holiday? As someone whose parents live in Ireland I’ve never understood why they jump on this holiday so much.


On my way there right now.

Being an actual Irish citizen in the US must be infuriating lol

Anytime I see the Chicago river these days I am amazed that a ship sunk in it and more people died than the Titanic. [The Forgotten Disaster of the SS Eastland.](

“If they can dye it green 1 day a year why can’t they dye it blue the other 364?”
– Joey Pants, The Fugitive

Being from Chicago, this seems so normal, I forgot that it can be seen as interesting.

That’s just diarrhea from the Dave Matthew’s Band tour bus

what i really wished i saw was when they dyed the river blue when the chicago cubs won the world series. it will probably be another hundred years before they did that again.


Is this safe for the fishes

Brawndo! its got Electrolytes

They do it every year how is that interestingasfuck

Just played with my band in that same parade! Stock Yard Kilty Band!

I’ll see it tomorrow

They do this every year, its an environmentally safe vegetable based dye. Yeesh

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You can see them spraying the dye from the back of the boat.

I see my apartment from here

How do they prevent the dye from getting washed away by the flow of the river?

Obligatory: the dye they put in the river is actually orange, did you know???

It must be a dock or lock or something right? If you dumped that in my cities river it would all go out to sea in under an hour. Seems people playing fast and lose with the term “river” here.

Edit: Googled it and its a canal that can be closed off, the section between Columbus Drive and State Street, so not a river.

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