The clearest image ever taken of Phobos, Moon of Mars.

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Looks like a big blob of iron.

I don’t know, why does it seem as a 2D texture badly wrapped around a 3D low-polygons object?

Would love to know what impact left that giant hole in it.

That thing has seen some shit

Why does it look distorted?

Wow I can actually see the doom guy.

The doomed moon

(Metal music intensifies)

*In the first age, in the first battle when the shadows first lengthened, one stood.*

So thatโ€™s the crater the original UAC base was in. Nice.

That’s no moon!

Can anybody point out the Phobos Anomaly? I canโ€™t find itโ€ฆ

da fuck is wrong with it?

Looks like the crater the old Doom games are in.


if only we had more than three cones and a ultra sharp vision to see true beauty of the universe

Hey I think I can see a demon from here!

Nice pectus excavatus bro

Frozen ocean of goldfish

I know Phobos is small but like… how close is this? I have no sense of scale here.

That things seen some shit.

so when you suffer from fear of Phobos it’s called phobophobia

Thatโ€™s a big ole dentโ€ฆ

You know how in games when you go beyond the border of the map, and the developer still puts in props, but they are lower resolution than the rest of the game because you were never meant to see them? This is what that looks like to me

Where monolith

Where monolith

I bet if we could mine that deepest crater we would find something fascinating!

why is it swallowing a giant garlic tho

Brings up a lot of questions about out moon. Why does that moon have big huge craters and ours, not so much? Why is that moon so misshapen and ours is a sphere?

Earths moon is so mysterious.

Looks more like a close-up of some metal object. I wouldn’t be shocked if it was the same kind of hoax as when they faked a planet close up with a cut of chorizo

Looks like a giant jellyfish.

Hey, that’s the Doom place.

Whatโ€™s wrong with the picture?

This makes no sense. Please explain

This is amazing! Is it crazy that I wish it was a full shot instead of a partial?

Whereโ€™s the pic of the monolith that buzz aldrin said is in there ?????

Aliens have a monolith on there

N64 graphicsย 

it looks metallic! iron oxide?

Maybe something can be sent to get a sample eventually.

Thatโ€™s a close up of a foil container after a pot luck

Looks like an infected toenail.

I’m sure I’ve seen that in a 64k demo 20 years ago

Artist rendering or actual image?

this came just in time while reading Sands of Mars

Flying target
Seems bombarded

Thatโ€™s a zoomed in squash

Damn Phobos, who hurt you like that?


Looks like a Tarantino movie

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