The Consequences of an Ineffective Justice System

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It’s not a justice system, it’s a legal system. The last month has reinforced this opinion for me

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants

Corrupt Justice System

Violence isn’t the answer. It’s a question. And the longer we uphold an unjust and two tiered system, the more people will answer that question with “yes”.

It’s natural to want something new when trapped in a toxic and abusive relationship

Careful. Reddit been scrubbing mentions of a green hated man. Mods taking down posts and banning users who even use the name now to keep us plebs in line.

The system isn’t broken; it’s working exactly as intended for those in power. The real question is when will we collectively demand a change that actually serves justice rather than just the elite?

If playing by the rules don’t get you nowhere, you’re only left with one option…

It’s actually very effective. Its goals are just not what a lot of people thought they were.

The consequences of a corrupt justice system

2nd amendment was made for this

Ok, but now make it so the girl in the blue shirt is actively slobbing the knob of a fat, 80 year old billionaire. You know, for accuracy.

NO BALLS. YALL WONT CAUSE YOURE TOO FUCKIN COZY (like me, and that’s why we all lose)

Punisher when

It’s not justice if the judges are bought out.

Is this where mob justice comes in? Since, you know, the person was already found guilty.

We can just “among us” them…

Basically we have numbers beyond numbers…

They couldn’t even fill a single nfl stadium with their people.

George Washington was a vigilante 

Not very applicable. That American Justice System is screwing around on us and then laughing about it to our face.

“Ineffective” is putting it mildly.

The vigilante has been a here for a very long time. High Plains Drifter anyone? How many Death Wish movies? Back from the dead there’s The Crow or Spawn. How about The Punisher? You can think of so many more that we don’t think of as the anti-hero anymore, they are just the hero.

Is the vigilante feeding our increasing anger and fear? Are we getting the hero’s we deserve, lacking any moral compass, or ability to inspire real change through peace, love, and connection? I dunno. Here we are.

Trumps in Office and got away without any consequences. Basically.

There are no real laws in this country. It’s a farce. The police are jackboots, and the courts exist only to protect the wealthy from harm, to keep a knee on the back of the peasantry while they are exploited.

If you didn’t know that before, I hope you’ll learn it from this upcoming so called presidency. Thirty four counts of fraud and there’s nothing. He should be in prison until he dies but there’s nothing. Laws have no meaning, no basis if their enforcement is dependent on personal wealth or any other factor.

We’re coming closer to the edge of it now, and I, for one, have my popcorn ready.

Raise generations on the narrative that injustice from the government needs to be dealt with in a revolutionary manner, expect some revolutionary behaviors.

If y’all ever served on a jury summons, you’d learn the system is seriously fucked. Best thing to do is never be part of it.

When politicians are chosen based on who they hurt, rather than who they help, we are truly beyond redemption.

A “justice” system that allows for slavery of the largest prison population in the world, while making sure they over police and over penalize the poor and minorities so they can force them to work in for-profit prisons is not interested in justice at all.

Merica is due a revolution or two

If the American justice system has failed the people it is purported to be protecting, then it is not a justice system. At that point, vigilantism loses meaning. Individuals seeking their own justice, or even organized groups seeking out justice for the greater good, are a more effective justice system .

Have you wanted an opportunity to confront the CEO of your health insurance company?

All of America’s healthcare CEO’s will gather under one roof on Feb 18-19th, at The Arizona Biltmore in Phoenix, AZ, for the AHIP Executive Leadership Conference!

Hoping for a year of the Luigi. Or Mario. Or any other friendly Italian plumbers wanting to make a difference 🙏🙏🙏

Unpopular opinion: Justice should not be satisfying

No one’s going to do anything. Armchair revolutionary bullshit

Replace the “The American Justice System” girl with that foot fetish guy from that Pebble Yeet guy’s comic

Not a justice system in the least. Has rarely ever been remotely close to a justice system.

the big guys want to keep the guns around so we use em.

If the ruling class keeps saying “you have no legal recourse”, what the peasants eventually start to hear is “you only have extralegal recourse”.

That “justice” system is a cheap cheap prostitute tho, bro has every right to seek satisfaction elsewhere

We need some Oliver Queens fresh of the island.

Also, isn’t it insane how the people that persistently excuse unfettered gun ownership with the parts of law designed to protect against tyrants are the same ones gleefully kissing the tyrants ass?

The only way this meme would be correct is if the Justice system was bashing America over the head with its own show. Or maybe giving some other character named “Corporations” a handy or something.

I don’t know, I’m not good at analogies.

I wonder how many of these boot-licker comments are cops….

Americans lol fuck off already

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