“… the cost of eggs has increased dramatically …” Taken: 1/22/25

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Funny how something so basic can suddenly feel like a luxury.

We used to throw eggs and toilet paper at houses on Halloween. I never knew we were rich.

Those prices are eggsorbitant

How could the Woke do this??

They don’t care about the eggs, they never did. It was never about eggs.

Wait until there’s a 25 percent tariff on the potash to fertilize the fields that feed the chickens.

But, but… I don’t understand. Trump promised!


I went to Kroger today in Lawrenceville, GA, and they had no eggs.

What has been alarming to me is that the news of a number of chicken processing plants closing down between 2022 and 2024. A cursory look as Tyson, Purdue and Farmer John have been shutting down chicken meat processing plants, and Pure Prairie just filed for bankruptcy.

What this means is that chicken farm values around these closing plants will have their mortgage under water almost immediately. They will not be able to get loans and there will be less/no options for their chickens to be shipped to be processed.

Once that happens, the chicken farmer generally goes out of business because they can’t do contract farming anymore.

If demand stays constant but production is diminished, the supply curve shifts to the left and the equilibrium price becomes much higher.

While Biden/Harris administration had invested about 110 million via USDA to combat this, the fact of the matter is that Tyson and Perdue have made initiatives to cut costs early on, these initiatives may have came too late. Pure Prarie just closed down shop and didn’t have enough money to pay their employees their wages, citing the inability to buy feed at regular prices.

What we have here is an interesting facet of raising interest rates to combat inflation. There is the argument to be had that by reducing the rate of the money supply growth, prices on many things have came under control. However, in the forms of businesses that require a great deal of leverage, as indicated in just about all layers of contract farming, especially poultry, this might have required some very aggressive, pinpointed government stimulus to abate the supply chain issues. A cursory look at the stock prices of WH Group, Hormel, Perdue, Tyson, General Mills, etc all seem to have falling stock prices, and the downward trend started amidst 2022 or 2023 for all these companies.

Something is amiss.

No eggs at my local sprouts?
I thought trump was gonna save america day one

I’m in orange county

Watch the mental gymnastics as Trump supporters blame this on the previous administration while denying Trump’s “economy” was the result of Obama spending 8 years putting the country back on track.

What now? Ban trans chickens?

Needs one of those stickers with Trump’s face and the dialog bubble “I did that”

Hens finally gettin paid. $$$

Hasn’t this been the case for many months? Is this new for folks? Has to do with avian flu or something.

It’s weird, because the big box stores are all charging $4.50-$11 for a dozen eggs, but the smaller markets are still $2.49 and under for the same dozen eggs. I got eggs from $.99 for a dozen recently on sale. For clarity, there are 5 supermarkets within 2 miles of my home, and only the big box have increased egg prices.

“It’s okay bro, mass deportations will bring the jobs back to Americans and get our groceries down”
Some dude at the gas station getting 200 dollars in scratch offs

now we need a “I did that” sticker with Trump lol

Covid pandemic it was toilet paper. Birdflu pandemic it’s the eggs.

I fear the children of the future will never have anything to throw at a house as a prank after all this is over.

Time to put up the Trump ‘I did that’ stickers.

Based upon the last four years and results of the election, I have no choice but to blame the president for this

Republicans when they control all aspects of the government:

bUt iTs tHe DeMoCrAtZ fAulT

Republicans are already blaming it on Biden

They’re so entrenched in the “our side vs them” narrative, it’s going to tear this country apart. Exactly like Russia wanted; Trump is their greatest asset ever

I’m starting to realize how good of a deal our farm fresh eggs are at $5/doz. And all cool colors too (chocolate brown, blue and green)

Pandemic flashbacks two days in. Thanks Republicans!


But the current president promised… Can presidents lie? 🙁


Us hobbyist chicken keepers are feeling like Satoshi Nakamoto suddenly. You got 30 Bitcoin? I got 30 hens baby! 

Thanks, Obama /s

You’re lucky there are eggs. My grocery store didn’t have a single egg available for sale this weekend. I guess that means no one can complain about the price now… problem solved!

Isn’t this more reflective of the lethal outbreaks of bird flu throughout the US right now?

It’s even affecting some cats, 100% lethal to felines that have presented to the vet clinics around here so far.

Well that eggscalated quickly.


States with anti-price gouging laws feeling pretty smug now probably. unfortunately most only activate the the law after a state of emergency is declared.

Can we get some of those stupid “I did that” stickers with trumps face on it plz

I remember last year working in the dairy department during the bird flu. People would buy out the eggs so fast as soon as we put them out even at the high prices. But once prices went back down, they would sell as normal.

When the Vance comments about egg prices happened, eggs here were ~$2.50. Same eggs today, $5.50. WTF


This is because bird flu, right?

I thought trump was going to bring down grocery prices like day 1?

😂😂 what he lied?!?! 😂😂

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