The Criminalizing Homelessness Cycle [OC]

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Yeah, that’s legit what happens.

Hell, even giving FOOD to someone without a home gets you fined.

It’s also been conditioned that people call them “the homeless” to dehumanize them further.

A ruthless cycle that probably won’t go away

Stuff like this is why I’m horrifically afraid of being homeless

You can mix n match the psych hospital with the jail too. Most chronically homeless folks have at least one major psych issue and considerable trouble keeping up with stuff like meds and effective treatment programs. PTSD, depression, addiction, and hallucination/paranoia disorders are all common ones.

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Depressing topic, I know, but drawing this one was so much fun!

You can read a blog post about this cartoon, and a transcript, [here]( I’ll also post the transcript in comments.

Apparently I’m supposed to grow up and get a real job at some point, but thanks to my Patreon, I’m able to dodge that! If you enjoy these cartoons,[ please help me continue dodging](

I’m in NY, and a requirement of probation/parole is having a permanent address after a certain amount of time.

So people are released from jail with no housing, no money, no job prospects, and extremely limited ability to obtain employment. And then when they are unable to find a job (and therefore unable to afford an apartment) they are violated and sent back to jail ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The whole “public sleeping is a crime” thing is probably the most disgusting thing here. It’s as if they see living life as a contest and enjoy punishing people for losing.

“We don’t want homeless people sleeping on our benches, so we put dividers on the seats or remove them outright”; “we don’t like people sleeping in their cars that they own, so we’ll drag them out of it and arrest them”; or even “we don’t want homeless people sleeping on this section of ground, so we’ll put spikes there.”

They’re treating homeless people the same way shopkeepers treat annoying birds (put spikes where they like to roost). They’re human beings going through a rough time, stop treating them with so much disdain!

What do you mean we cant solve homelessness by simply forbidding it to be homeless? Next youre telling me capitalism and the greediness of man is at fault. Preposterous

Damn dude you just churn these fuckers out.

You forgot the part where the prisoner has the do slave labor.

I always found it wild how when you are released from jail you just walk out. Like, no ride or nothing. You’re just out.

The newspaper should say “economy performing great!”
or “record profits registered this year” lmao

Missing the important middle step where while in prison they’re working for that same guy.

It’s state sponsored slavery.

I’ve told this story many times.

I got the shit beat of me by cops for sleeping on a bench. I was sober, no drugs, no weapons, cooperative. 1312

The GOP wet dream

What did the mouse do to get jailed?

Also, does the USA really hate homeless people that much?

Really nice line work on this one.

Woodstock above the door?

It’s a way to keep wages low. And when in jail provide even cheaper labor.

You did a great job!

One must imagine the beggar happy

People with a rap sheet can be great tenants when given a chance. Problem is figuring out which ones.

If being homeless isn’t hell, housing prices would go down.

All by design

It’s intended to establish a new slave class.

Land of the free

If we don’t oppress the homeless with all our power, how will we make conservatives feel better about themselves. And scare liberals into shutting up?

pretty accurate, alternatively they end up in psych wards and apply for residential treatment

Something something bootstraps. Something something should have worked at their father’s hedge fund.

This is a way to create an untouchable cast, so when fascist brig back slavery, they have a readily available slave labor.


And when you get tired of the cycle and develop mental illness, addiction, and subsequent health problems…medical assistance in dying is an option in my country.

Fuck capitalism!

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