The cycle is old and draining, only serving to hurt us more.

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The Biden admin just dished out billions for chip factories. Those jobs will get filled under Trump who will take credit.

Republican voters dgaf about facts and math. Thatโ€™s for the libs ๐Ÿ™„

Less than 50% cause way too many won’t or can’t vote.

So based on this last election, 33% of the US directly contributed to the incoming fuckery.

Man, Bush really did a number on the economy but hardly receives any attention. Obama stepped in and Repubs forgot all about the craziness they help orchestrate.

This is intentional, Rs know that the Democrats are pussies when it comes to weilding power. I wish the Dems hold power like Republicans.ย 

When Daenerys pulling up with those dragons?????
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Unpopular opinion, but the true dummies are the majority of Americans who just donโ€™t show up to vote, and thus tacitly support this cycle of insanity.

Historically speaking, the economy functions far better under democratic administrations in the WH. I chased the numbers (variables used to measure the economy outside of just GDP) back to the Great Depression some years ago. The differences between parties was staggering. The economic policies instituted by an administration are residual and more people should know this.


[Joint Economic Committee](

Trump straight up admitted that his tariff prices won’t decrease prices. Also, people are concerned about the budget but Trump tax cuts are going to ring in a 6 trillion dollars.

I hope the get everything they voted for tbh.

And the whole time Democrats are cleaning up the Republicans mess, Republicans are pointing at them screaming โ€œLook at this mess!โ€ and that shit works unbelievably well. The cycle been repeating my whole life.

What about the record homeless population set under the Biden admin? They got yall duped in to thinking: stock market = economy.

And the worst is people will say “what have democrats every done for us” then either sit out or vote for Republicans, who explicitly say they’re trying to hurt us, and still get mad democrats aren’t saving them from the people they put in power (or in opposition)

Democratic party is like a strict single mom who is working several jobs just to make ends meet, while Republicans are the dead beat dad who will let you eat candy for your meals and stay up all night playing ps5 on the one weekend a month he has custody

So… when are the Democrats going to fix the economy again?

If you [actually look at the objective data of how much we get paid vs. how productive we actually are](, you’ll see over half a century of stagnation in our wages, and absolutely no change in the trends based on what party controls the government.

Reagan and other neoliberals worldwide fucked the working class, and nothing the democrats have done since then has actually unfucked it. Harris was taking a step back from tax increases that still left rates lower than Reagan cut them to. Democrats and Republicans are much, much closer to each other in economic policy than they are to reversing the post-Reagan status quo.

It is clear from the data that it is NOT the case that Democrats are making progress and Republicans are rolling it back. They’re providing two different flavors of the same pro-rich economic status quo.

Those that refused to vote sure have a lot to answer for when the shit really hits the fan. Even if the people that voted orange are fucking idiots for it. They still voted. Everyone who didn’t is liable as shit for everything that happens now. Bunch of assholes in the group project that don’t want to do the work but compassion when the grades come in

Sending billions of dollars to Israel to support a genocide is labeled as ‘fixing the economy.’ Both political parties serve the wealthy elite, keeping the public divided with simplistic, black-and-white narratives. This ensures that the working class continues to lose, as blaming one party alone only reinforces their control.

You donโ€™t think itโ€™s convenient that this cycle has been going on for decades. That perhaps itโ€™s bullshit.

We need to make voting mandatory to maintain citizenship like other countries.

And every cycle Rโ€™s do more damage than the Dโ€™s can fix.ย 

If you havenโ€™t checked it out yet, look up โ€œTwo Santa Claus Theoryโ€

Spot on.

You have to stop believing all the propaganda Theyโ€™re filling your head with.

The elite class watch as the masses devour each other over race and religion. We need to be concerned about the elite class.

Easy times create weak men, weak men create terrible times.

50%?!! – well, bless your heart…..

Lmao yet Kamala wanted to use tax payers money to allow prisoners to have sex changesโ€ฆ your right it doesnโ€™t get dumber than that

Im convinced this sub is run by white democrats, I miss the old blackpeopletwitter that wasnt entirely political

Itโ€™s not ignorance itโ€™s impatience.

Dumb with no memory. OMGGGG is that why they always had us memorizing stuff in school?!?!!?!


Wasnโ€™t this the plan proposed by sons republican 30-40 years ago? I wish I had that article where I read this

That last part tho ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ‘Œ

This is the song that never ends…


I think it was around 25% who voted for Trump

Yea, pretty muchโ€ฆ

Itโ€™s more than 50 percent sadly

Bro this right here !

My dad told me my whole childhood that knowing history is the only way to change course in the future

Started realizing how true that was in the last 5ish years. America is not that old and we owe it to the founding fathers to actually know where, and why a lot of our laws or โ€œchecks and balancesโ€ come about

Its even more broad than American history, its all human history in a straight line from past to present. Read about all of it from the Stone age to Ancient Egypt to The Renaissance to Emancipation after the Civil War, etc.

It becomes very obvious how misguided people are. Its been this way since the dawn of mankind. Weโ€™ve been in this cycle for thousands of years. Maybe soon weโ€™ll break out of it, but Im not holding my breath

Optics > Reality

And this is why I, 76yof, am done. I thought the younger generations would figure it out but they are just as FKed up as every previous generation.

They are also so loud about how wrong they are. It’s weird.

So true. So tired of it. Hate that this is what I and so many others who understand the truth of what OP said have to deal with this crap because a bunch of uneducated morons, mostly white people, have absolutely no idea how the modern world works.

“Dumb as fuck and dont care about much” is a perfect description. But MAGA is a symptom of a bigger problem of misinformation and fake news from institutions like Fox News.

There’s a reason Republicans defund education while lowering standards.

Oh, itโ€™s WAY more than 50%.

More people stayed home than picked Biden OR Trump.

Just wears you down.

Itโ€™s almost like weโ€™re not supposed to have a 2 party system

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