The dagger buried with Tutankhamun is not of this world… its blade is made from meteorite iron

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You mean it’s made of mete-ore?


I mean ofc? They probably thought it had the power of thr gods/gift from the gods for the king. I mean meteors light the sky up like daytime.


Tutankhamun’s iron dagger, discovered in his tomb, is made from meteoric iron, as confirmed by its compositionโ€”mostly iron, with 11% nickel and 0.6% cobalt. This matches the composition of known iron meteorites.

During Tutankhamun’s time (c. 1323 BC), iron smelting was rare, and iron was more valuable than gold, primarily used for ceremonial and ornamental purposes. Scholars have long debated the origins of early iron artifacts, as iron objects from this period are scarce. Testing ancient Egyptian artifacts has been challenging due to strict regulations, but advancements in X-ray fluorescence spectrometry over the past 20 years have enabled non-destructive testing. This technology confirmed that the dagger’s material came from a meteorite, reinforcing the idea that early iron artifacts were sourced from meteoritic iron rather than being smelted from earthly ores.


But logically, all the iron on earth is not from this world, nor from this solar system was it forged in the heart of a cosmic explosion.

oooooo star metal, serpent men better watch out.

Where’s sokka when you need him

The one on the left is a Buster Warenski piece.

Obviously since aliens build the pyramids, they gave him a special gift

so what buffs does it have?

Not too surprising since its “easy” to find meteors in the sahara desert.

Interesting [video]( about meteorite hunting in morocco thanks to the desert

It’s not as rare as you’d think. There is a whole community of people who seek these even today. And they find a lot of that stuff, but most of it is in small quantity or not notable.

I remember there was a Brittish (I think they were) researcher who collected dust from roofs to analyze to find space dust and particulate from meteors. Turns out they had to stop collecting it and tell people to stop sending dust to them, because that stuff was everywhere and it’s very plentiful.

If you want to find meteors, then dry rocky deserts are apparently the best. As they have very little vegetation or loose earth that could cover the stuff, or water to wash it off or erode it. You can even train dogs to sniff the stuff out. Visual, isotope and chemical analysis can be used to validate the findings.

I have a feeling these cold iron blades will be in high demand when we find they are the only thing that causes permanent damage to the aliens once we are invaded.

Well yeah thatโ€™s how people got iron before mining was a thing

Uh, at some point all earth matter came from outer space

Everything was a meteorite at some point, i guess.

Avatar the last air bender: space sword. ๐Ÿ—ก๏ธ

Kinda like the spear of Destiny!?

Good to see a priceless artifact gets is proper serial number

Need this, donโ€™t have a good letter opener yet

Wakanda forever!!!

Serial numbered with a sharpie.

The tang of a blade is the portion that extends into the handle, so you could say that this tang is out of this world.

So rumours aliens helped build the pyramids is real. A gift by them to him

I read recently that ancient Egyptians buried these treasures with the dead kings in part to offset “generational wealth” problems, where kids and grandkids would themselves be as permanently wealthy as the king they descended from.

Right blade is the meteorite blade. Fun fact, the blade is theorised to have been imported, potentially from the Hittites or Mitanni.
Left blade is apparently hardened gold.
Reading about it, strikes me that process to hardening gold couldโ€™ve been more complicated than smelting iron

Ok, who wrote on the meteor knife?

Meteoric iron makes super brittle knives/ blades but since this is just ornamental it just adds to the cool factor.

Goodbye space sword

It sort of blows my mind what must have been in other pharoahs’ tombs. It’s basically because Tut was so shortlived and forgettable that we even still found his tomb unplundered, right? Like the graverobbers even forgot him. What art and treasure was in the tombs of the great kings and queens?

They most likely witnessed a meteorite hitting earth and then used it’s resource to craft it.

The good old days…

They made a blade out of the coolest material ever and they stuff it in a tomb forever? These Egyptians are insane.

Most of the surface metal on earth are from meteorites.

During the formation of earth, all the heavy metal sank to the center to form the metal core. The lighter elements remain on top to form the crust.

Any heavy elements that we find in the crust most likely came from meteorites that fell down after the crust solidified.

An iron blade centuries before the Iron Age: badass.

Funny, I watched a little YouTube video about this today. Called “today I found out”.

I like this one ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Obviously the pyramids were built by aliens…. Someone point me to the Stargate

Wonder what his Reddit karma would be since heโ€™s down with geekery

Ice. Cold.

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