The Daily Show accepts Musk’s terms for interview with Jon Stewart: “We’d be delighted”

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This is as likely to happen as his fight with Zuck.

I love the idea that Musk thinks he will come across *better* if the interview is unedited.

Lmfao no chance Muskrat shows Stewart would eat him alive and he knows it

I really hope this happens, but I doubt Musk will go through with it. That man is not a good public speaker, especially not on camera. That said, if Musk is feeling brave, I hope Jon Stewart decimates him to his face and doesn’t try to play nice.

Stewart will screw him like he did with Tucker Carlson, no?

It doesn’t even matter bc even if he somehow manages to scrounge up the balls to do the interview, he’ll just claim it’s edited when he inevitably gets dog walked bc he’s an inept turd monger.

Maybe it’ll chip away at his “big smart brain man” image for some, but it’s honestly just not worth platforming this piece of shit. Like, have we learned NOTHING from the last decade?!

(That’s a trick question, the answer is fuck no.)


How many times will he move the goalpost until he claims TDS refused to meet his demands? I’m guessing 8.

Hopefully when musk backs out, the daily show and Jon Stewart call him out hard on his shit

He 1000% thought they would say no. What will the next excuse be. Something horrible im sure


Elon I promise you’re going to want it edited… has he watched Stewart lately? Elon will get dismantled

He’s going to cancel it. Just like the fight with Zuckerberg


Watch Musk pussy out anyway

He’ll back out so idk why we’re entertaining this.

No way this happens, but if this asshole shows up, Jon Stewart will destroy him.

Elon will look even more cringe without editing

I guess I just don’t understand what is the positive here. He could literally just fart and fall down in this interview and he/his minions would call it a brilliant troll. There’s no gotcha moment here. We know how inept, insecure and unhinged he is. Giving him a platform is just feeding into his “you’re doing something right if they’re talking about you” mindset.

I think we all want to see it unedited. How long can he pretend to be a normal human with morals and values? Should we take bets?

Get ‘im Jon!

*Musk will probably cancel at the last minute.*

If he did it (he won’t) it’d play live and when he said or did something stupid he’d still say it was edited and his fanboys would believe it.

He’ll back out of this like the Zuck fight giving some BS excuse.

I’ll believe it when I see it.

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