The day before a one-day snowpocalypse in Atlanta.

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Making a bunch of snow ice cream!

This might be a Starbucks milk run.

They probably can’t even store them all in a refrigerator.

The comments here are out of touch, which is something Iโ€™ve grown accustomed to on here at this point

Snow day means milk delivery for businesses will be halted, meaning they need to take matters into their own hands, possibly hire couriers or send out employees to get milk and deliver to their stores.

This could be for a daycare, bakery, or coffee shop.

they might be buying for a shelter or residential program with multiple properties. its a fuckload of milk. i doubt anyone is dumb enough to buy this for a single family home for one snowfall.


Out of context, it looks bad, but how do we know it’s not going to a shelter or some charity. Everyone’s jumping to say they are resellers, but we have 0 information on what these guys are going to do with it.

why is everything people do seen as something nefarious?

Itโ€™s funny how people think theyโ€™ll go through all of this before it going bad.

I mean, it couldnโ€™t possibly be for a nursing home whose trucks didnโ€™t run this week or a pop-up warming shelter for the homeless or anything legit or wholesome or heartwarming? Isnโ€™t there ONE person here who still believes in the basic decency of human beings and gives them the benefit of the doubt? This constant negative mob attitude sucks you guys. Entertain something positive for once. Just once!

As a Instacart person Iโ€™m willing to bet itโ€™s an Instacart order from a convenience store or restaurant

During covid, I watched an elderly women and her husband pulling 3 full sized carts with nothing but toilet paper through the store. Annoying AF.

Milk is fucking disgusting

Yep, they’re milking it for all its worth….

They donโ€™t do this to stock up their home, this is probably a family who owns a restaurant. I see it all the time at my Walmart with various items for various reasons.

This could also be for a daycare

They own a Dunkin Donuts, so they always get this much milk. People never provide any context with pics like this

Are you sure thatโ€™s not for their coffee shop hopefully ha ha

I work at Kroger, and people were buying ALL the milk and eggs. Our egg guy was mobbed to the point he had to snap at people to back off so he could *open the fucking containers* and stock the shelves. They wouldn’t let him **breathe**. I can’t imagine for what purpose. My boss and I joked that they’re making milk and egg soup, but seriously, wtf?

I filled at least a dozen orders where someone bought 4+ gallons of milk and saw numerous people buying 6+ gallons in person. We were completely out of milk of all kinds when I left on Thursday afternoon.

I have some theories like daycare, church, big family, small business, etc, but some of these people are just weird. If yall think the power is gonna go out, why the hell are you buying massive amounts of perishable goods?

Surprisingly, people didn’t buy up all the toilet paper. Couldn’t believe it. All week long, we sold it at our normal rates. Almost no one bought batteries or candles, but we did sell quite a bit of firewood, just not nearly as much as I thought we would. I also thought people would be buying tons of canned and dry goods, but nope, just all our milk and eggs ๐Ÿ˜‚

Meanwhile the streets are clean by next morning no matter how much snow. Load up on the milk that will end up just going bad. Iโ€™ll be at McDonaldโ€™s drive thru

It’s likely they own a gas station or small store. People will spend a few dollars more to buy it there rather then fight through the snow to a grocery store

I love how people make assumptions. When the pandemic hit, I saw people shaming group home staff buying things in bulk for 10-15 residents at a time. They don’t go dressed in some kind of uniform, they’re just regular people. We have no idea why they are buying this much milk but people like to assume and be mildly infuriated.

Milk and bread are the only things they hoard.

If I were a prepper, Iโ€™d be loading up on canned goods and a shitload of pasta, beans, and rice.

What the hell will they do with all that milk before it spoils? What a waste.

I bet that’s an instacart order going to Starbucks

I work for a food pantry and we do this all the time. Especially before storms so that we can support the community.

Don’t judge a book by its cover.

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