The devourer of borgir.

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This is an incredible design. This feels hopeless.


I call it the “boyfriend” tax. He makes me a salad for example and collects his tax in my face just before he handles me the bowl. The tax could be the 1/5 or the 1/3 of the salad. I complain when the 1/3 is gone at once but special food has it’s price.

When your friend says he just wants a bite of your food, but he actually wants to devour the entire planet



the fact that you can’t do anything anymore so you just gonna look to that person lol

That would be dope. I’m not against a giant cosmic monster swallowing Earth (and us).

I didn’t realize Galactus was a soyjack

I hate it when people ask “can I have one of your fries” and when you say yes they just dig in with their hands and grab a bunch of them

The distance between planets though..

“Look Deku, it’s AllBite!”

friends lol


Every time I see this picture i can’t stop laughing beccause all it reminds me of is the[ screaming soyjack lmao.]comment image?q=65&auto=format&w=1200&ar=2:1&fit=crop)

Analog horror galactus?


my girl every time

Nope, include the solar system-no the entire galaxy, heck include the entire universe

Only a mouthful

can I have one piece? (jar contents poured into palm of hand)

This bite can fit 256 combinations

From where is the original?

I know a few people like this


Just when I thought my diet was limited to small fries, along comes the universe to throw a cosmic burger my way.

This is how grandma wishes you would act when you visit.

When you’re hangry, even the galaxy isn’t safe.

Earth was already fucked with the moon being that close

Man itโ€™s going to be so interesting and cool watching 8x 5ft tall superheroes fight this thing

Definitely a small bite ๐Ÿ’€

My wife, every time

“Im not hungry, but you get something”

“can i ahve a bite?”

“Okay ill just have a little bites”

*me standing there missing the hand that was holding my burger…..*

… that image is terrifying… wheres the source?

Galactus must feed.

Friend did this today. His funeral is this weekend

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