the difference between civ6 and civ7

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He’s fucking everywhere lmao there are going to be modern myths written about this guy mark my words.

So he had previous experience with troubleshooting.

“works tirelessly to improve Civilization”

I feel that it’s important to clarify that this is a joke; the guy in custody hasn’t been proven guilty and may well be innocent of the alleged crime. It’s important to avoid a trial by public opinion.

Cultural Victory

They should bring him back for civ 8.

What can’t that guy do?

Are the graphics a lot better? I’m still stuck on Civ V….

Biggest hero on the planet

these crossovers are getting out of hand

They are going to have a really hard time painting him as some crazy, outside the mainstream thug 

fun fact – looks like the civ sub has banned all mention of his name lmao

I feel like this should somehow be the topic of a Mad Magazine folding page riddle.

People put Jira on their resume?

i have been brain rotted by microeconomics, genuinely took a sec to realise ui/ux wasn’t a really weird notation for utility for consumer i over utility for consumer x (who uses i and x?? i is for total quantity or one consumer of a set, not as a comparison to consumer x)

He’s the second most important Luigi in video game history!

I’m still sceptical Luigi was actually the guy tbh

Lmao whut

Jira software lmao for those that don’t know this would be like listing “uses a to-do list” as a skill

Using jira software…..

[LUIGI]comment image)

How can one man be this based.

how many side quests has this guy been on

He really is one of us….

lol what the fuck? that’s unironically badass

This guy was peak humanity.

Ok, so I just need to ask, what are his leader’s abilitied

Who writes this shit.


x to doubt

So 7 is good then? I never even tried 6, it looked the same as 5, which was boring and too easy.

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