The difference ray tracing makes in GTA 5

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my favorite part of ray tracing it makes materials look more realistic.

That will be -40% fps hit plus tip

Learning from the comments that a lot of people don’t know what ray tracing does or how light works and impacts areas. Or both.

The game looks so much better now, it’s so impressive. And it already held up without the update.

Just wish we had some singleplayer DLC.

Replaying GTA5 is a bit of a weird shock. I distinctly remember the place being very dense, loads of locations full of life etc

It ain’t. Cyberpunk has spoiled me. GTA now feels like its set in a small town.

I’m a global illumination enjoyer

Raytracing can look great and enhance a scene, I just think the hit in performance far outweighs the benefits.

There’s also the fact that this is a particular scenario in which Raytracing will be very noticeable, but in other cases it wouldn’t. When Raytracing makes chalkboards glow in Hogwarts Legacy it’s suddenly not that great.

The tech was released (and now made necessary) years if not decades before it really matured.

The top one is without RT and the bottom one is with RT. You people who say the top one looks better need to go out into the real world more often.

The comments in this thread now show me what kind of gamers redditors are on average lol. How can you not tell which one has RT on? lol.

The Enhanced version with max settings is very light on a 4070. 1080p at 90fps doesn’t nearly use as much resources as you think.

It’s nice that the game has DirectStorage.

You appreciate stuff like these when you know the basics of how raytracing works. It’s not just fancy reflections, you know.

If you can’t tell which is which or why it’s better, you should just put all games on medium quality and enjoy the fps.

me and all my homies love tracing rays

Which is with and which is without?

I’d love to see this for myself, sadly the Rockstar Launcher sucks and likes to tell me they can’t verify me.

Yeahhhhh, but it’s kinda like… Who cares.

Damn the colours really pop

Looks amazing, and actually isnโ€™t that taxing on my fps surprisingly. Theyโ€™ve done a great job

Looks like a game from 2013

Thats awesome

This is the best example of ray tracing

Before people cared about the content inside of the game, now we look at the lunar phase lights at night and how sun reflects of the wallsโ€ฆ.

The way that this is going youโ€™ll end up with outdoors simulator with 0 content.

I guess?

Have they released raytracing or is that a mod?

Ray tracing in GTA may look beautiful at times, and then there is no difference at others. It may even look worse sometimes (darker, warmer). But the fact is, ray tracing is not supposed to always look nicer; it is supposed to be more accurate, realistic and reactive in real time, and that it undoubtedly is. And reflections really make the game look nicer on rainy nights.

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