The Divided States of Oligarchy😂😂

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Now do politician wealth growth as public servants being paid by tax dollars. Go ahead and explain that one.

This is scandalous

So inflation changed through the years, but minimum wage didn’t move a cent. 😭

Is this even capitalism anymore?

It’s starting to look more like neo-feudalism

This isn’t a meme. Reported for breaking Rule 1 and Rule 2.

Percent of hourly workers making the Federal Minimum Wage

2009: 4.9%

2023: 1.1%

Use a different measurement for inequality.

For example, you could say:

Median household income

2012: $51,371

2023: $80,600

Didn’t Bezos make a company that billions of people willingly gave their money to?

Should have bought TSLA, AMZN & META 10 years ago 😂

Oh yeah. Rich people with non-existent money. These are just assets that have no physical value. Want real rich people? Look at the insurance companies and the banking sector, there are rich people who have huge amounts of money in cash.

My states minimum wage was $7.25 in 2009 and now its $15.49

Some states are way behind though.

Also this literally just isn’t meme and this same topic has been brought up so many times.

Amazing meme, wow! I literally couldn’t stop laughing, I’m laughing so much I can’t even get up now. /s


The West: There is so much corruption and so many oligarchs in the world! We must stop this!

Also the West: Corruption, here? Heh, no. We have lobbying. We don’t have oligarchs either, we have lobbyists.

Civil war is coming

Congratulations America, you’ve just elected your very own version of the Putin regime.

Yeah, you really screwed up when you didn’t start Amazon, PayPal, or Facebook.

ooo zinger. you sure got them. they will weep tonight in their beds

I get what the meme is trying to say, but comparing wealth to wage is incorrect. And doing so only hurts your cause.

now do the minimum wage for those 3 people and then the average wage in america. Oh better yet, let me cherry pick 3 examples of people that got massively poorer over that time

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