The duality of man

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Id say its overplayed as opposed to overrated

The reason it’s so good is that it breaks the classic rock structure. It doesn’t go verse-chorus-verse-chorus-verse. It has a refrain that it returns to between verses, but they’re never given completion. The tension builds and builds and builds, until it’s finally released in the final “DONT STOP BELIEVING! HOLD ONTO THAT FEEAAEEAALING!”

I find myself really attracted to songs that shun the normal pattern for a long buildup instead. Another of my favorites is El-P’s [Request Denied](

Wha?.. People have opinions on music different to my own?

The what?

Don’t stop believin is heaven sent!

I remember going to six flags all the time as a kid, and I swear, every single time they had this song playing everywhere in the park.

Hey when someone doesn’t agree with what you’re feelin, just Don’t Stop. Believin’

I mean. It’s not great. But it beats anything’s the eagles have ever done. Fucking rascal flats of rock.

Didn’t like it when younger but like it more and more as I age.

It gave us the 4 chords song. I like the one that‘s live on stage by Axis of Awesome.

The glee version is better. Don’t @ me.

My monkey brain likes what its hearing. Idk why people are doing a whole ass analysis of the song

Taste is subjective, who knew!

You’ve found the issue with the one hundred Bible versions.

I like it because Sopranos.

Go work in a karaoke bar for a little while- you’ll grow to *hate* the song.

Wow, you found differing opinions from 2 people 2 years apart about one of the most popular songs in human history on a social media site with 350 million active monthly users. Insane and epic.


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