The existence of a billionaire is a policy failure.

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Yeah, I would definitely watch the 24-7 live stream / reality show of three billionaires surviving by their own means on Mars.

No one’s hobby should be “space”. It’s ludacris that we let these goobers do what they do while people starve.

Imagine having accumulated so much wealth on Earth that you need to go to another planet to find more 💀💀💀

It’s obscene. While millions struggle with basic needs, these clowns are having a vanity project in space fueled by exploited labor and tax loopholes. Tax the rich until they can’t afford to leave the atmosphere.

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If they were actually serious about space they’d fly up their themselves

To be fair, it’s not much of a race, Elon won a long time ago, Bezos believes he can still win but has been setback years by incompetent leadership at Blue Origin, and Branson isn’t even really in the same weight class with his spaceplane.

it looks like jeff bezos is wearing a scarf of luxurious deli meat. 🥩

They are bored..they bought all the planet has to offer.

How to privatize the wealth of the Universe.
1) Under-fund and bureaucratize NASA. Shift priorities. Design missions at the whim of congressional committee.
2) Bankrupt the Government. Gotta love the absence of a line-item veto.
3) Hire underpaid and frustrated NASA engineers away.

Viola! (Oli)-Garchs will soon control corporations that ‘own’ the riches of the Universe. Of course, the brightside is we can trickle-in our pennies in 401k.

A GOP-plan, but stupid Dems went along with it.

The idea of getting a human on mars in our lifetime or the next is ridiculous

It’s amazing how quickly three pieces of brass could fix this.

Not to mention, they’re absolutely just trying to get into international space so they can do whatever the fuck they want.

Like they’re already known for some of the most toxic work places in the US. What do you think is gonna happen if they start operating with literally 0 regulation?

The existence of a space race that’s going to take humanity to new worlds is one of the few things that make me want to give billionaires kudos for.

Spade race that we’ve agreed to given them tax payer funding for, to boot! And will they give us back that money? Pfft, no.

I say send ’em out, just don’t let them come back.

Holy fuck lmfao. Every single time I see him I’m shocked at how much of a genetic mutant Bezos is.

Why would they choose to tax themselves?

Let them get us into space!

Neither of these cruel idiots I would put in charge of an ant farm.    

I’m sure that’s why so many people are risking their lives fleeing their countries for even a fraction of the opportunity.

I feel like this is how you get three Stonehenges instead of a pyramid.

Imagine if we pooled all our efforts! Instead of competing companies and nations making at best the ISS and some individual achievements, we could probably have established a full-fledged orbiting colony, if not colonies or even just research stations on the Moon and Mars!

it’s not a failure when it’s the goal since the 1980’s.

Do people know the next NASA administrator is a billionair who went further into space than anyone since Apollo?

Wait does that mean ups or fedex isn’t being taxed enough? Or any business?

It’s not even space. It’s low earth orbiters as vanity projects. Unlike the technology boosts of the actual space race, there is no social benefit whatsoever to this foolishness. It’s just a bunch of toys.

Was at the Ford museum a few months ago, the exhibits for aviation were surprisingly similar, with the big millionaires like Ford’s son, Boeing, etc. racing to make the best airplanes…..

While 100% true. Spending money on the space industry is easily one of the more beneficial things they could be spending their money on.

Being rich used to be something people aspire to, not attacked. We don’t need to tax the rich. Get off your lazy, welfare supported ass, and contribute. Save your own money, avoid credit and you too can be rich.

I wonder how many millions of employees they have?

I kinda wanna see em go on a ‘first humans to mars’ trip, and have the pilot just leave em there

“Hey guys, let’s do something really life changing like pooling our money to end hunger.”
“Nah let’s play with rockets and go to space.”

And the existence of billionaire president is the voter’ failures

New age robber barons.

why does bezos look like he’s on the cover of animorphs

Make them fight naked and bare handed like gladiators. Only one can live while the other 2’s fortunes go to charity.

Especially given how much potential damage these space programmes could cause. Creating mass amounts of space litter. I don’t know how they are being allowed to do these things

Taxes? Really? Why give more money to the government who masseuses it anyways. Trust me fuck the rich but fuck the government more.

Whos the first guy? I legitamately don’t know.

Also, I’ve seen this photo of Jeff bezos before and have always wondered, what the hell is going on with his wonky eye? Is it just this one particular photo or does he always look like that?

People don’t realize that that is *our* money they are hoarding and impulse spending. All of that money should be in circulation actually contributing to the National and global economies. If it was in circulation the quality of life for all people would be measurably improved.

To many ways to get out of paying taxes.

Wrong. They are doing more efficiently what government can’t do.

I don’t understand why so many people hate billionaires. It’s usually lazy people who have way too much time on their hands.

MRW I realize I haven’t heard about Richard Brandon all year…

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