The fact that these images are all of the ‘suspected’ shooter

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What a terribly day for anyone who existed in NYC with a dark jacket and a mask.

Suspect has long red hair that could also look brown or blonde in different lighting. Nevermind he’s dressed like the riddler without the mask.

Suspect has a backpack that is black but also looks silver or white.

Suspect left Monopoly money. Suspect has a strong masculine bridge on nose but also looks female in other pictures with a huge smile.

They’re never fucking catching this guy.

They’re all different people lmao

They’re trying to blame it all on some innocent bastard

How many winter jackets does one guy have?

I dunno . I see no one , nothing happened . What are you talking about ?

yeah it‘s really stupid. do they really think someone would plan a hit on a ceo, and then go into a hotel and flirt with the worker at the front desk?

He looks like this one guy… I can’t think of his name right now. Joey something? Mannarino?
Yeah, that’s it, Joey Mannarino.

He looks like Joey Mannarino.

Okay. Let’s face it. The NYPD can’t tell white people apart from each other.

They also can’t tell black people apart or Asians for that matter.

I’m thinking that they could stand to play less candy crush and more guess who.

He had 3 different jackets, two different backpacks and a few different faces

New York I beg you to all wear hooded parkas and neck warmers for the next week to misdirect these ‘crime stoppers’ even more

More like mildly hilarious

They are using the cartoon shotgun method they typically use with us minorities of vague description hoping to be able to drag in enough people on “suspicion” to get someone they can pin the crime on.

They are finding out it’s significantly harder when the description is “skinny white looking guy with a jacket and book bag” At this point they are willing to ruin random people’s lives because a rich person was involved and justice must be served.

That’s 3 different people

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I don’t see anyone

That’s some top notch sleuth work there. 🙄

Pretty sure that’s elon musk

Happy to see it.

Doesn’t even mildly irritate me, much less any type of infuriating.

Yeah, that’s 3 different people.

These are all different people, the only common denominator here is that these people are white passing wearing hoodies and masks. The feds are showing their ass.

This is what you get when law enforcement in USA spends their money on guns&ammo instead of trainig in criminology

I don’t see any resemblance at all

Casting a really fucking wide net!
“Hey, this guy owns a coat, it could be him”

Last one is the new character of Sasha baron cohen?


Might be an indication that they have nothing solid to go on.

Hope they never catch em

im the killer lol

He’s slowly turning less and less white until they get to pin it on a poor black man. The first image is clearly a Northern European skin tone, then you have a south European in the second picture and flat out Middle Eastern in the third

No, the shooter stopped to switch masks, and change backpacks, coats, and their face. Don’t worry, NYPD is on it!😂

coats is hard

Not even the same backpack.

Its three different people but the NYPD gotta have a fall guy

I love that the NYPD reported that they are “close” to finding the shooter, yet we have three different photos of three different men.

Narrator: They were not close.

Totally different jacket. Not just color, but construction of the hood, pockets vs. no pockets, and different material/padding. One looks like a ski/boarding shell; the other a winter jacket.

Not to mention, the shooter had all this well-planned. The message was clear. The escape. The Easter egg backpack ditch. I doubt he’d let his appearance be known to flirt at a hostel check-in…

The third picture is just ignorant profiling of a dark haired guy with damn nice brows.

Edits: asshole autocorrect errors and more thoughts as to why these images are fucking stupid.

What “suspect”? I don’t see shit, and neither do you.

“I’m Spartacus” moment

If he gets caught, I would hope I’m on the jury.

If I can’t get jury nullification to work, because I’m a dum-dum, I would 12 angry men the trial and force a not guilty verdict. Or at least a mistrial.

This is one murder I’m okay with the true victim getting away with it.

sorry what? who? this never happened so i dunno what are we talking about

Why is this infuriating lol

Cops: Help us find someone we can pin this on. Someone we can steal from their lives and throw in a pit until they’re 90 so our rich owners don’t get mad at us.

How many coats does this guy supposedly own and carry around with him?

He was out there modeling all kinds of winter coats.

Looks like Elon musk

It’s as if the cops even don’t want to find the shooter. I bet their union uses UHC too.

You mean “Light Skinned Male with a jacket” isn’t a super specific identifier? Weird.

The bottom one looks like Sasha Baron Cohen!!

This happened in Boston when they were searching for the bombers and it almost cost random people their lives/freedom. The only difference here is a public that’s motivated to protect the shooter vs an angry public. They need to stop publishing pictures of random people that clearly aren’t the shooter to the point where it’s not even a meme anymore. It’s going to get someone falsely arrested or killed and the media will be to blame.

Lol such a clusterfuck of an investigation

Funny to see NYPD actually try to do their jobs for once and proceed to show their incompetence to everyone, because these 3 photos give us nothing of certainty. These could be 3 different guys as far as I’m seeing, especially in a city with weather conditions that require a coat? What, are you just gonna stop every single person wearing a dark-colored coat & a mask? Waste of tax payer money (not that Eric Adams cares)

The goes my hero watch him as he goes 🥰

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