The factories making electricity are also using fuel most of the time

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Better but still not good.

We humans tend to thing we can engineer our way out of drawbacks of luxuries of modern life. Because we don’t want to live without it. Proceed with our shitty lifestyle but somehow remove the consequences. Instead of working on real alternatives.

I’m saying this after 5 years engineering in energy technology.

You’re right.

If both versions pollute but one pollutes less, we should give up.


and? less is less. not only can those powerplants be green (wind, nuclear, solar etc. ) even shitty coal plants are FAR cleaner per megawatt then running millions of gasoline engines for the same driving.

Talk about I did my own research vibes. 

Polluting to make a car that won’t pollute is marginally better than polluting to make a car that will pollute for it’s entire existence, and adds up when there’s millions of the former replacing the latter.

“I don’t understand the concept of reducing waste if it isn’t eliminated entirely”

False equivalence

OP is uneducated

The real solution starts with adoption of mass transit systems, increasing utilization of both nuclear and renewable energies, and investing heavily in sustainable agriculture.

One important thing to consider is that although the powerplants use fossil fuels, it is much much easier to phase out fossil fuels from a single powerplant than to phase out fossil fuel from millions of cars. So we could and should replace gas cars with evs first and then we could control the emissions on a greater scale.

What? You can use electrify fabrics too so materials for power plants will be accessible without pollution.

we bought a hybrid, for many reasons, including wanting to do better regarding pollution. then our (red) state implemented a nearly $200.00 free/year for hybrid/electric vehicles to offset the revenue they lost from us owners not buying as much fuel as before. 🤷‍♀️

So whats the solution? Step back on riding horses?

What we say to all these animal rights protesters than? Doesnt the Horse also produce co2?

even coal power plants are more efficient at generating that energy. And where they generate the pollution is more concentrated in a smaller area than tons of gas cars running around everywhere.

What people don’t get is, oil is not unlimited thing and our consumption is getting more and more.

One way or another, we have to have electric cars. It’s not only about pollution. Also maintenance of ICEZ cars are extremely expensive. Which makes EVs more logical for future.

Call me a climate radicalist, but it’s about time people start taking the bus or bicycle to work again.

mainly developing countries have only polluting power-sourcing methods

and judging by your usage of “gasoline” for petroleum, you are in the USA, which is a 3rd world country, so fair enough

not only fuel consumption but also mining pollution and poisonous materials usage

the latter 2 can be properly regulated but it seems not a priority for profitchaser carmaker supply chain and developing governments.

EV is better in comparison but should NEVER be ultimate solution

That’s why we need hydrogen fuel cell cars! 😉

They have to contaminate even more to mine are minerals they use to make electric cars but people don’t care cuz their farts smell just too good.

Forgot to draw a fart on that cow, cuz apparently it’s just as bad

This is not so back and white.

Coal powerplant still pollutes less because higher effinency compared to combustion cars each wasting so much fuel energy.

In Finland someone did his doctorate thesis related on this. Electric vehicles do pollute more in beginning of their lifecycle, but in long run combustion cars over take them in pollution.

Take a bicycle 200 miles to work.

I dont know about you but ~67% of the powered generated in the state I live in is hydroelectric. It probably higher at my actual location but I digress. Electric actually makes a lot of sense here.

Moving the pollution out of the city centres helps a LOT for quality of life.

Hate this argument. Maybe globally, but within a city, an all electric car city would have a million times cleaner and better air quality.

My boy hydrogen crying in the hypothetical trunk it won’t be in cuz no one wants to make it

Electric cars won’t serve any purpose if we don’t get rid of car-centrism.

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