The Final photo of the Biden Era First and 2nd Families.

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As a photographer, why the fuck didn’t the person taking the photo make the first lady move to her left a few inches

Series Finale of America

Is it just me or does Doug seem to be the only one actually pissed off by all of this?

Fully understand optics and needing to be gracious, peaceful transfer of power, etc. etc., but where do you draw the line on civility and decorum? Both Biden and Harris accurately labeled Trump a fascist during the campaign. You’re now handing over the keys to the country to a fascist. I just…how do you even feign a smile on a day like today? This is one of the darkest days in our country’s history. Self-preservation be damned, show the 75 million people who did vote against this that you’re authentically and genuinely pissed off like we are. It’s just all so spineless to me. It’s the epitome of the Ratchet Effect.

Dr Biden’s coat is beautiful.

Now the adults have left the building. God help us.

Biden does not deserve his unpopularity, he was a wildly successful president and passed numerous pieces of legislation that will improve the lives of the common American.

RIP America

You don’t know what you had till it is gone, people are going to end up missing them

I hope all the MAGAts have fun standing out in the freezing cold today while all the criminal billionaires stand inside ๐Ÿค— this is just a preview of what youโ€™ve gotten yourselves and the rest of us into

Let the clown show begin. God save America from the anal raping DJT is going to deliver to this country.

Not the best, not the worst. He could have done more, and also could have just sat on his ass and tweeted instead of actually doing anything. He took a system in absolute shambles with both hands tied behind his back and brought some normalcy and stability back to what he could. Thank you President Biden.

Very well served. Unfortunately some humans are yet to evolve past the stage whereโ€™s they can make choices with logic instead of emotion.
Hang tight world. Itโ€™s gonna get utterly wild

Defenders of the soft-oligarchy leaves to make room for the hard-oligarchy.

we really fucked up

Send in the clowns.

As an American, today is a fucking sad sad day. Oligarchy is now officially our Gov. No question about it and it will never be the same again. Ever. We won’t recover from this and next voting cycle, expect Russian type elections in the swing states so Republican’s stay in power forever

Goodbye to half-decency. Now chaos ensues.

Youโ€™ll be missed.

I love Dr. Jill Biden’s coat.

Why didnโ€™t you stop him?

And we could have had decent people againโ€ฆdecent enough

Bye bye civility and grown up administration. Hello infantile name calling and demonstrative cruelty.

The moment democracy died.

The last time we will see class and dignity there for a long time

I just came here to say how much I love Jill Biden’s outfit and Joe Biden’s matching tie.

Decency has left the building!!!

I’m already missing having sane people in the white house. It’s going to get much worse before it gets better again.

Weโ€™re so cooked

The adults have now left the room.๐Ÿ˜”

you guys fucked us all, hope you disappear like our rights. ๐Ÿ˜€

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