The flags are all the people that died on Mount Everest.

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How many of those are Sherpas?

People that died, as in historically or is it a map of the current corpses?

Hereโ€™s an in-depth look at all the deaths from the Grand Canyon if death maps peak your interest


Just remember kids, every dead body on Mt Everest was once a highly motivated person.

How is that one guy stuck in the sky?

The worst part is knowing you shouldnโ€™t help people if theyโ€™re in trouble, because then youโ€™d risk your own safety. Heard stories of people just walking over dying hikers, just horrifying

This place shouldn’t even be climbed as a hobby until they clean up all the shit left up there, bodies included

You donโ€™t walk over a dying hiker, you say excuse me. Be polite even when doing stupid shit!

Hmmโ€ฆ it seems like the highest concentration of deaths occurred in one zone. Someone should really come up with a name for that.

Is that very bottom section where the Khumbu Ice Falls are, or is that where Base Camp is?

I would assume a fair number of people have died at Base Camp after being evacuated from other parts of the mountainย 

Iโ€™m curious as to why there are 4 people died in the middle spot. Itโ€™s like a spot that people donโ€™t go to.

Did they wander off due to visibility issue?

Itโ€™s almost like people arenโ€™t fucking supposed to be there

Iโ€™ll never understand the desire to climb a mountain that could kill you, just to say โ€œI did itโ€.

Never understood why anyone would even attempt this. Are you insane? Suicidal? Both?

Every flag was at one time a highly motivated person

A thousand years from now archeologists will find all of these dead bodies and wonder what the hell were they all doing there.

Title is wrong. The flags are all the dead bodies on everest. Plenty of people died and were still moved off of the mountain. These are the ones that couldn’t be moved.

But who has the record for highest death?

Damn. Imagine arriving at the top and dying there.

Imagine dying below the โ€œDeath Zoneโ€. Fucking amateurs.

The dead bodies aren’t even what would get to me. It’s the amount of frozen shit that’s littered all over the mountain.

Play stupid great games, win stupid prizes.

Imagine being one of the losers who died at the bottom. Like bitch you didnโ€™t even start climbing and you failed.

They died while doing what they loved,but this is a graveyard

Pride is one hell of a drug

Jeez imagine dying at the base lol

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