The floor always be taking his cut

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I have a magnet that I ripped out of an old speaker for this exact reason. Most of the time it sits quietly under the sink, but it’s always ready to answer the call

Meanwhile that one box with my lifetime collection of unused motherboard screws :


Tax is way higher for a bag of 5 nvme screws.

I prefer dropping screws in the PC case while building it and some parts already in and cables attached (preferably getting stuck in an unreachable place)… once certain things happen, you are suddenly way more cautious.

dont worry, you will still have some mystery screw left after assembly

The floor also hates the magnet for not letting him take his cut. Did your floor do magnet tariffs, or something?

I always use a soup plate for my screws.

Also, should one fall on the floor shining with a light perpendicular to the floor will reveal them fairly easy.

Haha yeah.

In a similar fuck up, that other day I opened up my laptop for some good re pasting and dusting off, after all was said and done I had 3 screws left over.

Opened it up again and couldn’t figure out where they’re from, so concluded my job was done. My mind says I stored them somewhere but now I forgot where those screws are

Oh well

Floor: ” Gonna spit this out in 2 months after they come out of the shower barefoot”


Just buy a long magnet

I make a playpin for the screws to entertain themself out of cardboard.

This reminds me my motherboard currently is held in by 3 screws

Hey now! As far as Floor offering motherboard screws goes, that’s a generous fuckin’ offer! Might wanna take it ;D

Put your cheek on the floor and look across it sideways. Never failed me.


“Walking on lego” experience incoming

As long as it’s the motherboard. You could probably go down to 2 screws total for that and it would be fine.

These huge ass GPUs don’t hold properly with all the screws in the world. Honestly surprised they don’t come with a support bracket in the box.

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