The following have endorsed Pierre Poilievre. How does that make you feel about him becoming PM?

By Eienkei
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I get the Trudeau hate I wasn’t gonna vote for him myself. However, after listening to, learning about and reading who PP actually is I don’t understand how you can vote for him.

He’s been in politics for over 20 years and hasn’t done a single thing. He has nothing to show for all of his years collecting tax payers moneys besides a 25 million dollar net worth. Yet somehow I am supposed to believe this guy can help us through a globe economic crisis and our housing crisis.

Even without these people endorsing him I can’t vote for him but once you know who likes him and is hoping he wins no way in hell I could ever vote for him or his party.

PP will never receive my vote.

Hate Trudeau all you want but anyone who votes for PP is an idiot.

The interview between Peterson and PP grossed me out ngl

Man if Pierre actually loses this it would be HILARIOUS

A vote for PP is a vote for Loblaws to start running the country. They will just lobby and put more money to change more laws to benefit them and not Canada. We all need to vote whichever party has the best chance of winning each district. If that’s liberal or NDP so be it.

Trump’s behaviour alone is casting doubts in my mind to vote for PP.

It makes me want to puke! Don’t vote for PP!

He disgusts me, always has.

He has a huge incel vibe & loves the MAGA’s cuz they are very insecure and are just overcompensating to feel strength or control – while having absolutely none.

They are mostly just WHITE MALES who are severely threatened to their core that THEY won’t be able to keep their WHITE MALE power for very much longer cuz we aren’t rascist here and we vote in people of colour and different races and WOMEN to govern and represent us in our government.

The last thing *those* types are willing to accept is someone they deem *less than* them – will be allowed to boss them around or hold them accountable like the rest of humanity has long since learned how to cope with and respond to maturely and appropriately to in society.

Poilievre and his Boss Smith are Devotees of Gestapo Inspired Conservatism !

The people planning to vote for PP are traitors who want to see the US annexed by Canada. There is no other excuse for it. It’s so fucking obvious he’s working for their agenda.

I want nothing to do with Donald Trump. We need to keep him out of our country. Country before party. Let’s not repeat our neighbours mistake.

Pp already sucks ! But a Joe Rogan endorsement seals the deal . He’s such a nut job

You know who NOT to vote for unless you want Canada trump it seems.

A year ago I wouldn’t have said this (because it wasn’t true), but in 2025, PP is so clearly being bought by Musk. I’d potentially still consider him if he’d just convincingly oppose Musk and Trump. Until then, it’s clear as day that Musk thinks he can buy politicians in our country. I’m honestly 1000x more concerned about this than any other potential political interference scandal involving China or India. 

Not once not twice but EVERY single time cons on the wrong side of history/the vote! If it was up to the cons there would still be child labor & no minimum wages!

STAY FOCUS CANADA! DO NOT LET PP & THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY SELLOUT TO TRUMP! BE SURE TO VOTE 2025! You think it’s bad now imagine a colluding Musk/Trump/Russian/DS/DF & pp gvt!!! Hate & division should NEVER govern! Let’s make these right wing nutjobs north or south lose their minds!!!

I’m voting Liberal this time around, i don’t trust PP anymore, he’s hiding some agenda that makes me feel uncomfortable, I hope everyone else can see this

Wow…if I wrote a list of my least favourite people, it would look exactly like that (though as an Albertan, I would also toss Danielle Smith in there).

American here. If Canada goes the maga route I have officially lost faith in humanity! 😭😭. Please no!! 🙏🏼😭. My 14 year old son is desperate to move to Canada! 😅. My husband is self-employed and his business is here or we would seriously look into it. Maga has paved the way for people to be vile and nasty. I hope Canada can stay in the opposite direction.

Makes me even more sure Not to vote for him.

Like I’m absolutely right about him being trash.

Carney is our only hope!. No slogans, No anger politics or name calling. But best of all, no orange around his mouth!.

Because of this I don’t feel Canadians can trust him,definitely not this Canadian any way.I will be backing Mark Carney. Poilivre is the last person I want to see elected PM.

The fact musk and Trump want him means I don’t.

Dear Canada, please do not make the same mistake that 38% of stupid dumbass Americans made.

I fully believe he and Elon Musk stole this election, I mean, they’ve already admitted it many times… But I don’t think Canada is in the same boat. I think you still have a choice. Make it count.

Anyone endorsed by Musk is not gonna get my vote, and anyone who is bankrolled by him should not have any modicum of power

The further Trump.fucks.up in USA the more the Canadian Cons will look weaker as replacement. But then again I believe half this country is blind to facts.

You couldn’t compile a better list of the most disgusting pieces of trash on the planet. Whatever they are selling DONT.

If any folks vote for this wannabe trumpet techbro, I can only assume they are nazi fascists who has ignored the madness happening across the boarder.

Nothing good will come of supporting this man. For anyone, other than the rich and corporate.

Non Canadians should not share an opinion about who they want as our Prime Minister. When they do, we should ignore it.

I’m calling it now. You’ll see Jamil Jivani end up in a leadership position within the next 10 years. 

Canada, save the world and defeat PP!

The cringe crew…you can have them and all the fail magazines they collect…eerwww

No one, worldwide, should vote for anyone endorsed by trump’s moron cavalry

This election will not be bought

Solid NO for PP

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