The fuck is Greta supposed to do

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The conservative obsession with Greta is fucking weird as hell.

That crowd constantly tries to find angles to bully Greta from afar

Greta has addressed those fires repeatedly over the years, but these mfers didn’t want to listen.

Where were the climate deniers when the Westfold fell?

I don’t know Eve but she is going right on my stupid bitch list.

Love how defending Israel has been reduced to mashing the antisemitism button over and over.

Eve Fartlow strikes again.

Any incel that pays for twitter doesn’t deserve their words shared.

I forgot the kufiya makes it impossible to talk about climate change /s 

People really want to throw folks literally facing a genocide under the bus as if an election turning out slightly differently would’ve stopped this

This Jew thinks Eve should shut the fuck up. She’s using a natural disaster to bash a climate activist for opposing a genocide, that’s pure shende far di goyim behavior.

Imagine seeing this disaster going down and your first thought is “I had better talk shit about a child on the internet”.

Not sure how a teenager with a sign can extinguish wildfires, but okay

that eve lady seems like a real bitch

Classic Fartlow. Classically garbage takes.

Fartlow at it again. The Ls just keep coming.

Eve Fartlow continues to embarrass herself

“What’s that? Catastrophic fires ravaging Los Angeles?! Hmmm…I should tweet about Greta Thunberg.”

The brain rot we’re seeing is truly incalculable.

Troll bots hate Greta.

People are such dreadful little shits. So tired of it.

Eve Barlow is insane, and an abuser enabler, fuck her.

Most Jews I know in LA think we should free Palestine and address climate change, but ok.

When did keffiyehs ever become a hate symbol? Like wtf, why should Eve expect entitlement to not being exposed to conflicting beliefs?

Is that blue checkmark some kind of sticker for accounts with severe brain damage?

Easy there Eve Barlow. She sent DF Tate to prison with 6 words and hitting send.

Goldfish are like elephants compared to these people.

God I haven’t heard that name for so long. She’s still relevant? That’s weird as hell

Hateful people like this take advantage of any disaster to point fingers at the people they hate.

Also I really hate the attitude that everyone has to comment on everything or they are automatically assumed to be pro- whatever the worst possible option is. Its like if someone didnt say murder was bad explicitly twitter would assume them to be an actual murderer themselves.

Oh the way people fight about Gaza. Palestine and the wider Middle East as if it’s a black and white matter and not something that has been going on since the 1940s….🤦🏼‍♀️

What do you want her to say “I told you so”?

Greta Thunberg is Swedish. I’ve been around the world a bit and it turns out that in spite of the US’s wealth, we are not the center of the world.

I am also certain whatever promise we held for Greta Thunberg, we duly disabused her of any notion that the US has any interest in anything good.

As a matter of fact, air pollution seems to be making a comeback as a climate change strategy as climate change was masked by pollution in the fifties.

These people are fucking strange.

They really will try to blame absolutely anyone else.

People are more mad at a teenager/young adult who has never held political office(partly due to age) than the actual empowered class that has known about the issue for decades and done nothing

Does every catastrophe have to be politicized? Seriously people need to fuck off with political opinions. This shit is so exhausting.

“wHy DiDn’T yOu MaKe Us LiStEn??? It’S aLl YoUr FaUlT!!!”

I dont understand, Greta is white Aryan, i guess her having her own mind about things that could put a slight dent into shareholder profits is so egregious in their eyes.

If you are young, old, rich, poor, educated or not, white or otherwise, they dont want you talking about the problems associated climate change, wealth inequalities, or whatever.

I genuinely think anyone could make Eve cry as long as Twitter was not involved

Some people are… you know, OCD

Like what are they even talking about?

Bigoted zionist gonna bigot.

Eve Fartlow

How *dare* you?

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