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“having heterosexual sex is gay”

At this point it’s just rage bait

He’s utterly irrelevant and desperately trying to get any reaction

He’s almost 40 with no children though

I was just standing here,

Trying to get Andrew Tate to come out the closet.

Man this is some crazy shit,

Why won’t Andrew Tate come out the closet?

Why was Andrew Tate’s name censored lol

That’s an odd way of admitting that no one will have consensual sex with you.

That whole “genetic legacy” thing is so weird. They’re children, not deposits. Dude is so desperate for attention in a truly bizarre way. If his whole platform is not needing women, wtf does he talk about them so much?

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Andrew Tate, like all conservatives, hates women.

Right wing politics are inherently violently misogynistic.

I don’t think any heterosexual man who enjoys sex will not find this hilarious 😂

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I mean after unwillingly seeing photos of him in a speedo, I don’t think he can pleasure the other party anyways.

Chin up, Andrew.

He’s the leader of the men who are angry that they can’t get laid, yet he’s telling them they shouldn’t be getting laid.

Sex doesn’t feel good because he’s literally working with NOTHING.
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He says sex isn’t for pleasure to reassure his partners

Then I definitely got the big gay.


He doesn’t have any kids lol

Man please stop posting anything Tate says anywhere, the only reason he says this shit is to get rage bait posts like this made because he is utterly fucking irrelevant in every other aspect

Yep. Wicked gay!

But feel good PP sex is fun

Trying to find an excuse not to have consensual heterosexual sex with your wife is definitely hayer.

People actually follow this guy, that’s wild

I got bullied at school, too, I’m over it…c’mon dude.

As a side note—wasn’t this dude accused of fucking children?


*insert the obligatory “Fellas, is it gay to have sex with women?”*

“Closet door” we don’t want him either, he can keep that door firmly locked.

Someone made an edit of his walk with the little Squidward fart noises 💀

It’s only gay if the balls touch. He knows this, and he wasn’t complaining the other night.

Push not pull my dude

Imagine like Andrew Tate in any capacity and believing anything he says. It’s not easy to do.

I have, but it was a storage closet and the lock was broken

Why does he think of that all day, every day??

Someone teach him what fertility rate means

He’s in there because those of us who are out of the closet want nothing to do with him. You straights can keep claiming him.

I refuse to believe he actually believes anything he says. He makes him money off trolling stupid impressionable young men. Best thing you can do is just block him and don’t give him the page view.

Generous thought for the day: he might be into platonic readings. This is something that was explicit in Platonic and in stoic teaching: sex with women was a crude necessity for carrying on the family name, but really, because men’s bodies are so much stronger, then they must have stronger souls, and so you should unite your soul to them. 🤷‍♂️

I think it’s stupid regardless, but he may be leaning into the chauvinism of Greek thought, and closeting the, uh, other… parts.

Bro, it’s OK to be gay!

Who the fuck talks like that? I cannot fathom how or why Tate exists.

He would think sex was only for procreation purposes if he’s never given a woman an orgasm, I guess.

I mean, this is literally just him coming out. He has no kids yet has apparently had sex with loads of women, he is telling us outright that he is gay.

Why censor Andrew tate’s name. Dude is a public figure. Publicly embarrass his ass.

Why would you want a genetic legacy when your genes look like his?

Jail can change anyone

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