The harpy eagle is the most powerful eagle in the world. It’s wingspan can get 7.5 feet.

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I imagine this was what many cultures referred to as a demon.

I can’t imagine taking a stroll through the woods, feeling that there’s eyes on you and looking up to see this fucking thing staring at you. That is nightmare fuel.

That thing is fucking terrifying. Imagine the shits that thing takes

It looks like a person wearing a costume

The Mothman

That thing can get the fuck outta my face with that human ass face

It’s sad to think that an even larger eagle went extinct about 500 years ago.

I lived in Panama for many years where this eagle is native to.
And I can confirm they are massive. There used to be a sanctuary in El Valle de Anton where you could see them.
They are pretty endangered but really impressive up close.
Fun Fact- one of the reasons they are endangered is because of the natives hunting them as they were a few cases of the eagle snatching a child from the villages so they were seen as dangerous predators. Obviously this no longer happens.
This is according to the tour guide so take it with a grain of salt for sure but I thought it was cool.

We have a few of them at our ecological Parks here in brazil, they’re even more impressive in person.

The thing about them being endangered due to indigenous communities hunting them is a myth, the actual reason they’re going extinct is bc the expansion of agropecuary fields into protected land destroys the habitat of their natural prey (snakes, monkeys, slots and other small mammals)

That face and claws are terrifying! Say bye bye to your French bulldog if this is above.

Imagine looking up and seeing that guy in a tree looking down at you.

I mean it looks like a boss of a dark souls game, so it better be.

Whomever designed that eagle should redo either the head textures or the body model – there’s a mismatch. It’s like someone Photoshopped a different bird’s head onto it.

It looks like it’s judging you based on your browser history.

Its wingspan.

Ultimate eagle this… end game bird

No wonder it’s called a harpy eagle, thing looks uncannily human

This is that bird from Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time isn’t it?

Looks like a Eyes Wide Shut Orgy party mask

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2.27 metre

I recognise a shape shifter when I see one.

that aint an eagle. that’s a fucking owl.

That bottom right hand corner picture is creepy as hell! That is nightmare fuel. What the hell was God thinking? Could you imagine just walking down the path in the woods and coming across something like this? I would soil myself.

Majestic haunting beautiful bird. It looks like it belongs in the land of fairies and dragons ✨

Umm..if this thing was watching me and my dumbass somehow ended up in the woods at night, Id be running no questions

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