The hottest anyone has been in a movie

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Everyone in 1999 The Mummy.

Monica Bellucci In the Matrix Reloaded

Jennifer Connelly – Career Opportunities

How about Marissa Tome in My Cousin Vinny

Also Elizabeth Hurley in Bedazzled.

Kate beckinsale underworld

Sin City – Jessica Alba

I prefer Desperado Salma

Cameron Diaz- The Mask

Selma Hayek- From Dusk Till Dawn

Angelina Jolie- Tomb Raider

Elisha Cuthbert – The Girl Next Door

Phoebe Cates in Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Thought for sure someone would have mentioned this already. Criminal oversight.

Margot Robbie in Wolf of Wallstreet.

You know the scene.

Cameron Diaz in The Mask is definitely up there

Catherine Zeta Jones in Entrapment and Mask of Zorro

Smokin hot.

But so was Megan Fox in Transformers. When she checks under the hood. Shewie.

Lucy Liu dressed in a leather suit in Charlie’s Angels.

This thread needs more pictures

Jessica Rabbit.

Liz Hurley in Bedazzled or Rachel Weisz in The Mummy

This. And also Karen Gillan in Jumanji.

Jessica Alba in Idle Hands exists

Eva Green in anything

Mary Elizabeth Winstead in make it happen and Scott pilgrim.

For the old timers — Raquel Welch in ‘One Million Years BC’.

Xenia Onatopp deserves a mention

Martin Lawrence. Big Momma’s House 2

No further questions, your honor

Michelle Pfeiffer’s catwoman.

Patricia arquette-True Romance 🥰🤩

Elizabeth Hurley – Bedazzled

Alyssa Milano in Fear (1996)

Winona Ryder in Dracula

Something about that Vicki Vallencourt (Fairuza Balk)

Elisha Cuthbert, Girl Next Door.

Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct

Salma Hayak for sure but Cameron Diaz in the Mask was actually unreal

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