The house rules in an Airbnb

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Uno should definitely be included. I’ve seen family’s break apart because of disagreements on Uno rules.

Almost as bad as risk.

Considering the sort of shit people pull in Airbnbs, I think card games are the least of their problems.


Get the fuck out of here with that Airbnb.  Shit like that is why so many Airbnbs have turned to garbage.


Oujia it is, gang.

I’d start hiding Joker cards all over.

I’d leave a nice comment after the visit:

“Had an incredible stay at this Airbnb! The place has an undeniably spiritual aura, making it the perfect setting for deep reflection and connection beyond the physical realm. The energy in the space felt calm yet powerful, allowing me to have one of the most productive spirit/talking-with-ghosts sessions I’ve ever experienced. Whether you’re seeking a place for meditation, spiritual work, or just a peaceful retreat, this is the perfect spot. Highly recommend to anyone attuned to higher vibrations!”

If this was on the listing I honestly wouldn’t stay there because people who believe that the symbols on cards are evil magic may well also believe that spy cams in the shower are just another way to celebrate God’s creation, or that anyone who puts milk in the fridge after 10 needs to be purified in fire.

“It is assumed that all things have their own magnetism”

Well there’s your fucking problem.

Nobody tell them about Cards Against Humanity.

I honestly wouldnt be giving people like that my money.

Notice that it does not specify MTG so apparently I am allowed to run my BR demon/sacrifice deck in there.

Awful lot of symbols on that piece of paper. Might want to warn the owner about that.

Meh, fuck em.

Absolutely insane

The Forbidden Game

Sarah and Mike stepped into their quaint Airbnb apartment, eager to start their weekend getaway. As they unpacked, Sarah noticed an oddly specific house rule framed on the wall: “Card games strictly prohibited on these premises. They invite evil.”

Mike chuckled, “That’s a weird one. Who’s afraid of a deck of cards?”

As night fell, a storm raged outside. Bored and slightly tipsy from wine, Sarah produced a deck of cards from her bag. “Come on, one game won’t hurt,” she teased.

Mike hesitated but relented. They began a game of poker, laughing at their own rebelliousness.

On the third hand, the lights flickered. On the fifth, they went out completely. In the darkness, they heard it—a low, guttural growl emanating from the corner of the room.

“Mike?” Sarah whispered, her voice trembling.

Before he could respond, unseen hands grabbed them both. The couple screamed as they were dragged in opposite directions, cards scattering in their wake.

When the Airbnb host arrived the next morning, he found the apartment in disarray—furniture overturned, claw marks on the walls. In the center of the room lay a single playing card: the Ace of Spades, edges singed, smelling faintly of brimstone.

The host sighed, reaching for his phone. “Time to update the house rules again.”

“Sinister Magnetism” would be a sick band name.

Your religion says you shouldnt do something? Great.

*Your* religion makes you say *I* cant do something? Get the fuck outta here with your stupidity.

That would make me buy cards, just to spite the idiots.

I don’t see Magic: The Gathering listed, so I’ll just consider that a parlour game.

Can we remove tax exemption from all religious institutions already?

Someone tell this dumb fuck that the “symbols” are numbers.

OP I’m dying to read the whole thing, got time to upload it?

I’m not generally inclined to play card games aside from maybe solitaire once in a very great while. But this makes me want to set up a poker night.

Well, I guess all I can do is sit naked on the couch

I will literally leave a treasured deck of cards behind, mid-hand, just so they know I’ve been gambling.

So we can still film our porno here? Okay cool. Thanks Joseph Weisenberg. Cards are boring anyways….

Uno is okay fellas. Totally rational reasonable thing here.

The last Airbnb I was at there was a naked girl crawling along the floor with a butplug in.

But ye, cards are where the sin is.

Religion is a curse upon humanity.

See, this shit is why I stay in a hotel. They don’t give a shit what I do as long as I don’t break anything or bother other guests.

If I saw this, I’d immediately go buy a deck of cards and poker chips, just to “accidentally” leave when I checked out…but I’m evil that way…

Take your religion and keep it to yourself.

Is that on page 11? wtf

If you are going to force your religious rules on others, maybe you shouldn’t be renting an Air BNB.

This is why I stick to hotels, you neve know what insane rules the host at an air bnb will have.

I tried to google this church and came up with nothing. That’s probably a sign you’ve joined a suuuuuper-niche cult.


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