The hypocrisy is almost funny.

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After 4 weeks the only positive thing they’ve found about the CEO is that he had a family. I wonder how many children were robbed of their fathers from valid healthcare claims that United rejected under his instructions?

So even as a straight man, [I found that t-shirt and I’ll be wearing it proudly. ](

By the way you got to click into the image on mobile to see the context lol. It’s an unfortunate mobile crop.

Those kids just inherited a shit ton of money. My kids on the other hand…

I’m mostly annoyed people are trying to make this a left vrs right thing again.
On tiktok it’s pretty much up vrs down. Blue seeing when 2A is important, and red seeing corrupt ceos getting karma, and agreeing corruption/harmful greed is 2A worthy.

I wish we had more of that on reddit.

What part of this aged like milk? He’s beloved by the public.

“Children.” Aren’t they in their 20s?

# ‘He who saves his Country does not violate any Law’

I don’t see the connection

Free Luigi

I’m pretty sure that CEO wasn’t father of the year

the man was responsible for killing a shit ton of people, but as long as he was making tons of money while doing it, it’s fine, I guess. 🙄

FYI you need to open the full image to see the two messages that OP is referencing. It’s not the shirt.

They keep trying to push that it’s only the left that support Luigi. If that isn’t the definition of crazy, it should be.

Probably the dumbest comparison this website has ever cooked up.

This is literally an ad. This user just pushes spam with controversial bullshit on it.

Someones gotta explain EVERYTHING goin on here to me

I’m not sure what to think really. It’s a job position, so it will be filled and not much of anything will change so it does seem like a pointless murder even though the guy was a POS. But if all we care about is that the CEO was a POS I’m pretty sure the people Rittenhouse weren’t good either. 1 was a pedo and the other had been in trouble for domestic violence. I guess you could say the CEO does more damage, but that won’t change with his death because now it’ll just be someone else.

American “conservatives” also liked Luigi up until their new programming arrived. God what a Godforsaken people you are.

Not really aged like milk. Kyle Rittenhouse was declared to have done it in self defense, whereas Luigi obviously committed a murder. I doubt that the guy in the screenshots sees them as similar at all.

Once again, the only thing they can mention is him being a father.

How is this aged like milk? The sentiment hasn’t changed.

I don’t get it, and don’t see an explanation on the contents, so could someone please help?


He just thinks what Fox ~~News~~ Entertainment tells him to

Lmao. Cause Kyle Rittenhouse taking the life of a pedophile in self defense is the same as premeditated murder.

Unpopular opinion but Rittenhouse didn’t really murder anyone. I agree it was self defense. He also had no business being there too. Both can be true.

I like how the CEO had absolutely zero redeeming qualities as a person so the only thing the right wing was possibly able to use to humanize him was him having kids

comment image?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=039ce07beed1af96c8824c3d1d98488aae634414

“He touched so many lives.”

That was the problem, Paulette.

Rittenhouse was self defense. Luigi was straight up premeditated murder

I feel like I need to remind everyone that Luigi has not been found guilty of any crime and pre-emptively declaring that he is the killer is pro-CEO propaganda.

One was self defense. “Shoot me n*gga! Shoot meeeeeee! *while chasing seeking to attack Rittenhouse*

-Joseph Rosenbaum

Luigi is a murderer and is going to fry. I hope it’s televised.

Both situations can be looked at favorably. One was someone defending themselves while helping others, the other put down a pedophile in self defense.

Her dad: “I love him more than you, so shut up and get in line, bitch!”

Gonna be a LOT more of this when folks can’t get anti psychotic medication or adderal…

Am American hero being loved by the American people, nothing else to see here folks

Holy shit like two people actually opened the image that’s hilarious. Sorry OP a lot of people may have misjudged you, lol.

Is this “billionaires” trying to get us common folk to stop thinking that murdering billionaires in cold blood for no other reason than the fact that they’re billionaires is cool?

Because all it did was remind me that murdering billionaires in cold blood for no other reason than the fact that they are billionaires is cool.

They always have a good reason to do bad things, the other team does bad things because they’re bad.

Ordered!!! 😂

If at the end of my life the only positive thing people can say about me is that “I had a family” (which everyone does btw) my life had been a tremendous failure.

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