The hypocrisy is astounding.

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They love sharia law when it’s just called “the Old Testament “

Biblical cherry-picking: the ultimate buffet of moral superiority.

Abrahamic religion didn’t invent marriage. We have records dating back to 4000 years ago in Mesopotamia. It probably went further back than that. The Bible was written about 3000 years ago.

So the bit where we force rape survivors to marry their rapists? Or where you force prisoners of war to marry your soldiers?

Does she have a daughter I could buy, as permitted in Exodus 21:7? I’m asking for a friend who recently stoned his wife for speaking out against his mother…

The bible gave women no choice in who they married. They were the property of their father or guardian until their ownership was transferred to their husband often when they were in their teens. Weddings were a means to cultivate and accumulate wealth and power between families and women were given to men twice their age without their consent to bear them children while they themselves were still children.

That is what MTG is going for here?

Meanwhile MTG sucKKKing dicKKK of many men at the gym

People that preach the Bible probably don’t even know what’s in it

I’m just shocked that ogre found anyone that would willingly touch her.

But, but, but that is the Old Testament.
We don’t believe in the Old Testament. /S

Start taxing churches now!

Christian nationalist: “we don’t follow the old testament laws”

Me: “So, you’re fine with not stoning gay people?”

Christian nationalist: “we still like that law.”

I don’t think most of these goofys ever read the Bible

Somebody bumped uglies with MTG besides her now ex??? Yikes!

🤣That was awesome. I wish that was all said in live congressional session.

I’ll take three round ones and six pointy ones

What kind of sicko god watches me 24/7 and is obsessed with what I do with my genitals?

What I love most about Christianity is you only have to follow the parts of the Bible you agree with

Marge needs to mind her own fucking business

MTG needs a mental health intervention. She’s clearly a risk to her self. And more worryingly, a risk to others!

Is MTG badmouthing her BFF Lauren Boebert again? Tsk tsk

These holier than thou dipshits really need to step back and actually read their Bible.

Nothing like christian hypocrisy.

Adultery is actually pretty far down the list of reasons to stone Mr Ed’s long lost daughter.

1st Timothy. 11 A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.

The old: Rules for thee, not for me. Puts the hip in hypocrisy

Hypocrisy is their superpower.

Didn’t Greene fuck her gym buddies while married or something?

I know that y’all aren’t the biggest fans of nuance, but the old covenant of the Old Testament was made obsolete by the death of Christ. It shouldn’t be quoted in any way as a representation of Christian beliefs. It’s not the own that y’all think it is. Nobody that actually has a relationship with Christ genuinely believes that gays need to be stoned to death or any crazy shit like that.

I mean I think she and what she says is dumb as hell, but this isn’t as big of a comeback as some people are supporting it as. One of the most famous quotes from the New Testament literally says you shouldn’t do specifically what is written here, representing the hypocrisy of judging / acting on moral judgement.

Like, pick any other punishment related to adultery/marriage from the Bible if you want a surface level comeback – just not the one that is combatted the most famously.

Numbers 5:21 and Exodus 21:22 on how to perform an abortion. But asking the rethugs to READ the book is a step too far.

Not. Everybody. Is. Christian. Damn these fuckers!!




If only… A guy can dream I guess.

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