The importance of eyebrows

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I got a good laugh. Thank you

Laughing hard on that one. Show to my wife. She’s not laughing at al. I’m laughing even more. Thank you OP

I told my girlfriend that she had painted her eyebrows a little too high.

This has no business making me laugh that hard.

My humor is now broken. Thank you for this.


That is hilarious

Once when I was 10, I shaved off my entire left eyebrow. I don’t know what possessed me, I saw the razor blade, I knew what it did, and yet in one stroke- Gone goes the eyebrow. Tried to stop my parents from finding out but they saw immediately lmao

I ran around school for the next few weeks like, omg it’s a secret where my eyebrow went (and then told every single person I knew in private that I did it, cuz I was curious what would happen).

God I just woke my girlfriend up laughing

This is 100% gonna get reposted over at r/PeterExplainsTheJoke.

You can still make the frown even without it. It’s not like she got rid of the muscle. Errrggghhhh… Now that’s refreshing… Thanks for inviting me to the party. That’s a great pooping session I’m having. You can almost called me a party pooper. Ehehehe.. 

That’s brilliant. This is one of those silly things that made me properly laugh out loud for a good five minutes.

Caught me off guard, i wasn’t expecting to laugh out loud

It’s worse though, no eyebrows to cover the muscles in the face moving it looks terrifying. 

I look like a pencil.

I told my wife to quit drawing her eyebrows so high.

She looked surprised…

I’ll see myself out, thank you.

I told my co worker she drew her eyebrows too high. She looked surprised.

Can’t wait to see this in petah explains the joke or explains the joke later

Got a chuckle out of me.

Reddits been pretty joyless for a while now

I don’t get it

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You still look horrible Beach…

They look like an experiment that lived.


*confused sopranos*


took me a few seconds

I get it!

Who cares about eyebrows?

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