The killing of innocent people is indefensible all of a sudden

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We’ve been told children getting murdered in school is “just a fact of life”. But a CEO, this is really bad!

I’m not sure why people who’ve been told to become accustomed to children getting murdered should care much about a single CEO?

If school shootings and mass shooters happened at private rich schools or wealthy neighborhoods, we would have meaningful gun control next week… “As popular war advances, peace is closer.”~ peruvian guerrilla or axel rose… some dispute on the quote…

He has been the absolute most disappointing senator. Ran on a progressive/labor ticket and then fully sold out

Dude wasn’t remotely innocent.

Fetterman is turd

Calling it inevitable isn’t even controversial, its not justifying it, it just pointing out the objective fact that when you oversee the willfull destruction of human lives, and when you face no legal ramifications for this destruction, you can expect people to take justice into their own hands. This is the entire purpose of having a justice system in the first place, preventing things like this, and its the fault of our failed justice system allowing people that have willfully destroyed human lives to not otherwise face justice for their actions.

The killing of innocent people IS always indefensible. A CEO who literally enacted policies to hurt and kill people for profit is not innocent. “Paradox” solved.

Fetterman’s a dumbass, but I think the important takeaway here is that the Democrats aren’t going to save us and never were. People need to understand that they have to save themselves. Our country can be whatever we are willing to shape it into. Right now the oligarchs are working day and night on turning it into the hellscape they’ve been salivating over for decades, and have successfully roped a sizeable chunk of the population into enthusiastically working on it with them. What are the rest of us doing, besides crying, talking about how “cooked” we are, and musing about who might fight them off on our behalf? We need to stop being depressed and start getting angry. Depression encourages apathy. Anger encourages action. And we have a right to be angry. Let’s call this shit what it is: An enemy occupying force destroying our country. We’ve got stateless billionaires overtly taking over every level of government, trying to destroy our culture and way of life, and threatening us with violence if we resist it. Why are we taking this? They have no right to do any of this, regardless of how they manipulate our laws in their favor. There are more of us then there are of them, and we owe them nothing.

How did Fetterman become such a piece of shit, was he always like this? I want my campaign donation from his first run back

That motherfucker was *FAR* from innocent.

“bUt hE hAd cHiLdReN!!”

And how many children did he sentence to die while he got rich for doing so?

Fuck him. Fuck all of them. Eat the fucking rich.

When the government fails to protect the people and do the right thing it is an obligation of the people to rise up and defend themselves.

Let this be a lesson to those who would take unfair advantage of the people to satisfy their own greed lust. Your choices impact our lives and carry consequences. You have been warned.

Who gives a shit what a guy, who after he was elected, does a 180 turn around from everything he said? Suddenly he’s relevant? FU Fetterman!

Fuck Fetterman

Oh no John fetterman thinks less of me

Fetterman has really fallen from grace, I used to think highly of him, I blame the aneurysm but idk.

Seems like politicians know who butters their bread. And it’s not the common folk.

Fuck I didn’t even see this was fetterman until after I read it. I expected this to be Shapiro or Cohen or some other, dude who did they elect? Clearly different than when he ran

He deserved worse, just be glad that “innocent” man wasn’t killed by someone who couldn’t afford a gun.

Fetterman is one on a long list of Democrats that disappoint me. I really thought he was gonna be different but he turned into the same scum they all do. The Democrats need a leader to step up to remind them that they represent the people who elect them and not corporations and the wealthy.

Fetterman had been such a disappointment since he became a senator, especially his unconditional support for Israel. Like if you think Israel have the right to exist, that’s fine but for Christ sake, hold them to a standard when it come to their use of bombs

Fetterman=been bought

Hunger games.

this guy’s response plays exactly to why people feel nothing bad about the murder, the oligarchy only preaches compassion for their own, for everyone else it’s thoughts and prayers

goddamn hypocrites

What a wet-flanneled let-down this guy turned out to be.

Oh no do fetterman lose a superpac?

Fuck Fetterman. I used to like him. But with this tweet he can go fuck himself. He’s a piece of shit bootlicker.

Brian Thompson can rot in hell.

it’s like politicians think their shit doesn’t stink, their characters are all crazy flawed and not in a good way

Wonder if he’d say the same if he was left brain dead because his insurance said so.. oh wait, these people get the prestigious “Senator plan” treatment so, of course he’d kiss the ass of a billionaire.

I fully support the CEO getting whacked. Eff off ghoul

This post beautifully proves, what my english teacher told us in the 1990: NEVER discuss politics with an american. They go insane with that subject.

Now the advocates for the 2nd amendment are worried that people are using this right for the exact reason it was done?

I would take what the Israeli agent says with several grain of sand.

Fetterman really was cheering, almost literally, the carnage in Gaza – truly sick shit coming out of his mouth on that subject.

One rich, white, cishet dude that killed a ton of people should be protected.

Tens of thousands of poor brown children? Nah brah

Can’t claim to be innocent when your policies directly contributed to the deaths of thousands.

I dunno. Fetterman seems like he’s becoming the new Joe Manchin.

Fetterman is a big example of Democrats completely abandoning the working class and the idea of basic human decency. Fuck him.

Bold of fetterman to make people reconsider if he really was the better choice than doc oz. 

The worm is turning on his likes. The elites are shitting their pants.

This wasn’t an execution of an innocent man, it was the humane thing to do to a rabid dog.

I never thought literal murder would be a political dividing point, but it’s nice to see the left openly embracing evil.

I would not shed a tear for the dude that got capped, but cheering for a public execution is just….bad in a general sense.

It’s a flood gate that once opened cannot be closed.
The barrel of the gun is gonna get turn on us someday.

You think the normalization of such action won’t embolden the People that was claiming to want to murder progressives and minorities?

My man Fetterman, you know how you and other senator can keep this from happening… if you pass meaningful laws to help out the people who are sick and get denied life saving care by greedy health insurance policies. Stop accepting campaign donations from this these people and make an effort to hold them accountable!

The man who now lays dead wasn’t innocent. The courts would have done nothing. The shooter had to seek vigilante justice because our injustice system is so screwed up that he had no other choice.

We get told that all the people dying in car accidents is the cost of doing business and the roads are practically lawless. Government condones disregarding human life and shit rolls downhill.

Fetterman is repugnant

This whole story, although not exactly a moment of “eat the rich”, comes dangerously close to feeling that way.

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