The lies are getting out of hand

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Nah they could ignore it completely then

As a Black kid growing up in an all-white neighborhood in the 1970s, I know that shit ain’t true.

In 1978 Betty Gardner, a 33 year old black woman in SC, was murdered by two white men bc one of them hated black people. The two men, cousins John Arnold and John Plath, were arrested for that ectime and sentenced to death, eventually executed in 1998.

“I mean, back in my great grandfather’s time in the mid-1800’s, there wasn’t any racism. Every person was treated fairly. Sure there was slavery but every PERSON was treated fairly.”

Who the fuck did she think *All In The Family, Different Strokes,* or *The Jeffersons* were about? It is in the freaking pop culture lady, nevermind everyday life!

EDIT: [This is from 1987. **1987.**](

Housing segregation, police brutality, resistance to school desegregation, negative stereotypes in media and popular culture, racist organizations like the kkk rampant, racial riots… but yeah Mila, no one saw color

As a Black Woman born in the 80’s she’s a MF lie lol

Klu kluz klan was lyncing people into the 80s.

At this point, it’s all just word vomit. These cultists will completely ignore logic and common sense to support and believe any tone deaf, idiotic, ignorant statement that supports their fucked up ideology.
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Didn’t see color because we had to live hidden.

“No one saw color in my neighborhood when I was child because they had already driven out all the undesirables” is what she really meant to say, except with more slurs

I Googled “racial tension in the 80s” and this was one of the first articles
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My great aunt made this claim about growing up in the 1950s in addition to claiming LGBTQ people didn’t exist until liberals “invented” them in the 1980s.

Also yes, she is a Trump supporter. How did you know?

It’s like the racist’s handbook.

Chapter 1. I don’t see color

Chapter 2. My best friend is black

Chapter 3. Black on Black Crime


Yea, back in the colorblind decades when a third or more of black people lived in poverty. Im sure Joy’s experience of those years rarely included interacting with people of color because society was even more segregated than now.

“Racism wasn’t publicly shunned whatsoever back then, just the way we like it”

I’m a 46 yo white guy who grew up in Brooklyn. Bernie Goetz was 1984. The Central Park Five were ’89. The Crown Heights Riots were ’91. And that’s just stuff I remember off the top of my head, from my childhood, from my hometown.

It’s real easy to not see color when you live in a Sundown Town

“You could call blacks the n word and never get called a racist in return.”

–their definition of no division

Am white. At some point around 15 years back my mom asked me to digitize some old cassette tapes she had of her mother and grandmother talking in the late 60s during the LBJ administration, and HOLY FUCK. I have never in my life heard unabashed racism like I heard on those tapes. The three topics of discussion were how terrible LBJ is, how terrible MLK is, how terrible young people are, and how my mom should stay with her abusive and cheating first husband no matter what (she didn’t). It was illuminating.

I have no idea why my mom wanted that thing preserved. It was stomach churning.


Me when any white person says an anything about any decade in human history that color was never seen.

That is total bullshit. I grew up in the 70’s and 80’s as an adopted POC in a very white neighborhood and society. I was teased horribly and still suffer the effects of it to this day. White people are truly crazy sometimes. I also remember reading literature from the 70’s that was just insane, telling people to treat their adopted children like they were white basically. So glad we’ve improved a little I guess.

Her pfp is female, she would’ve been told to shut the fuck up because she’s not a man in those days.

Any older folks on here remember 80s afternoon TV before cable.

I will never forget seeing MASH as a kid thinking these guys are racist af. Tom and Jerry cartoons had insane racist cartoons.

We played outside because TV sucked after school. Even as a kid I knew it wasn’t right. Might as well play in the dirt rather than watch crappy shows.

crosses burned on our lawns in the 70s for being interracial 😬✨ my bad…just one of our tall tales i guess…

“Growing up” being the operative word here. Kids are often not interested in politics

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