The MAGA reaction to the Super Bowl halftime show in a nutshell

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This is hilarious and so true. And any true fan of Pearl Jam will support that they don’t know wtf they are saying a lot of times.

Here is a perfect example. [Evenflow](

“Hamaneeey hamaneemanamaneeeeeey heymanama mamamama Yeaaaaaaaaaaaah! – Eddie Vedder in every song.

Pearl Jam catching all of these strays like Dave Matthews Band isn’t a fucking thing

Smells like teen spirit has entered the chat.

Apparently the sound was clear for those watching on Tubi. FOX was the one with the shitty systems. Probably fired all the “DEI” folks that know how to adjust to our artists

I’ve made this point to friends before. Been singing along to Pearl Jam since the 90’s. Still don’t know a majority of the words. Even when you look them up, it doesn’t make much sense…so general sounds are just as good.

tbf I struggle understanding both sometimes lmao

Adjacent topic …

White people can’t seem to pronounce KA-ma-la, but seem to have no trouble pronouncing:

Emily Ratajkowski

Timothรฉe Chalamet

Saoirse Ronan



Props to Amber Ruffin! (Skip to 7:30)

[Kamala’s name isn’t that hard to pronounce](


Tbh I think something was wrong with the mixing

Jeremyโ€™s more than prayeeeeeeers

*exorcism noises*

I was like 23 years old when I realized Pearl Jam wasnโ€™t a fancy type of jelly ๐Ÿฏ

I really feel like the only time some people see live music is at the super bowl and are shocked it doesn’t sound like a studio album.


Ironically, Pearl Jam are vocal progressives and left-wingers. They would absolutely loathe the people that say this stuff about Kendrick and other black artists.

Yall aren’t aware of accents? /s

There’s blaccent and then *whatever the hell* Eddie Vedder is doing, but I’ll tell you I can understand “Even Flow” better than I can understand “Texas” from BigX for example ๐Ÿคฃ I just chalk it up to cultural upbringing/being around certain accents

Also any Nirvana song, Alice in chains, I understand but need someone to transcribe any Eminem

I can understand about 1 out of 3 Bruce Springstein lyrics too.

They will tell you music should be apolitical then listen to rage against the machine

Always a few lines like that in every Elton John track too

Look, I can’t hear any lyrics. I’m that guy that mumbles along and says maybe one word of the song, and if it’s not in the chorus I probably got it wrong. I need lyrics and captions on. Even for pop music and stuff like Green Day. But we can all agree the sound mixing wasn’t great.

Ok. But I really want a Pearl Jam halftime show.

No MAGA bitches listens to Pearl Jam either.

I can’t tell if I feel attacked or seen.

Awnaweeka, ohwonna wishatalla wayyyyyyyaaayyy….

Such a master of the English language that Mr. Vetter.

Me listening to Cocteau Twins

I caught about half of what Kendrick said. The man is a machine gun with a microphone and my brain just couldn’t keep up. That’s on me, not him.

That’s okay though. I also checked out Google Trends the next day and there were lots of searches for his song lyrics. He got people interested and looking for more information. Mission accomplished.

You got me


I’m from Seattle and we’re the only ones who can understand what grunge bands are singing. We were inoculated in the late 80s but they escaped containment in the early 90s before everyone else was ready for them. Sorry about that.

Make me fries. <guitar solo>


YT speak โ€œyarl.โ€ Itโ€™s just facts.

This is fucking gold.

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