The man has a point tho

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Those who don’t remember what he (D’Souza) was convicted of [](

What made it even more unbearable is that he was wearing a tan suit while he did it

Dinesh is the most full of shit person in a sea of people floating in shit.

I’m not into identity politics and I don’t care about Hunter Biden because of who his father is. But the people on the right sure as hell do. He had a plea deal in place and the only reason it was tossed out and he got harsher treatment than anyone else is politics. If Trump wants to figure out what an actual witch hunt looks like, it looks like what happened to Hunter Biden. Did he commit a crime and should he have paid for it with the same plea deal anyone else would have gotten? Yes. Should he have his private pictures leaked, his worst moments leaked, and then get harsher punishment because of who his father is? Hell no.

Trump gave the attorney general (Alexander Acosta) that let Epstein off with a slap on the wrist for child sex crimes, a cabinet position. The entire republican party is nothing but pedophiles.

Who cares, they opened the doors to abuse of power.

I find anyone trying to hold the Dems to a standard while turning a blind eye to the clown ass just fucking pathetic.

While I think it’s a bad move, I atleast can understand the fear of Biden.
Republicans don’t play fair. Trump already abused the court to get immunity, so it’s highly likely he would have done something to Bidens son.

Just to show that Trump is “innocent” while Hunter Biden is a “real criminal”.
We still talk about the people that blamed democrats for rigging the election, while they tried to rigg the election and even start a coup.

its funny but scary that the GOP can openly lie/be hypocritical because they know that their constituents dont bother to fact check or educate themselves. ignorance is the death of this country.

I’m glad Biden said he did the pardon because Hunter was being politically persecuted. I hope he does more shit on his way out the door.

I want to meet anyone of trumps affiliates that haven’t committed a felony. At this point I don’t know how republicans don’t understand that their representatives are criminals and snakes in the grass. I’m so proud that my parents raised me to have common sense to not buy into parties propaganda just because I affiliate with one side.

When you say “no one,” do you mean “someone”? Because I’m getting mixed signals here.


I find Dinesh’s total and absolute lack of self-awareness refreshing

Are people aware that there is no pardon in most civilized countries? Why do you lift an individual above the law?

Has he pardoned hunter? Good. Trump has set the narrative, Biden has nothing to gain by not playing by republicans own rules. Trump was fucking selling pardons for gods sake.

Glass houses and stones: a Dinesh D’Souza story.

Trump has publicly stated that he is above the law. He set the tone for what a president should do, and now has to live with it.

Of all the intellectually-challenged MAGA conmen and women out there Dinesh D’Souza is the absolute bottom rung. Why anyone – even in MAGA world – takes him seriously is a mystery.

Conservatives and their false equivalences. Nothing new here except Biden abusing his powers for once in a way that doesn’t hurt anyone

I’m sorry but, what real father wouldn’t do everything possible to keep their child out of jail?

Well Trump acted above the law, and now so is Biden.

Is this sub just 75% Cohen tweets now or something?

At this point, none of these posts are clever or comebacks, just a circlejerking echo chamber.

It’s one of these things…

On the one hand, he was totally guilty on the other hand (I saw legal eagle, Go into this)

Illegal possession of a firearm usually wouldn’t carry the sentence he got, particularly if it wasn’t directly connected with a crime (violent crime), put simply, it really isn’t the worst pardon in the world.

I don’t like that Hunter was pardon’d by Biden, I sort of get it, but I don’t like it.

However, I hate the hypocrisy. If we want to talk about “who’s above the law” Trump has a shit ton of felonies and yet will never set foot in a jail cell.

If that is not textbook definition of above the law, then I don’t know what is.

Pardons are part of the law.

Trumpkins are going to use this pardon and wave it in front of us when they pardon the J6’ers (who they were always going to pardon) and it’ll be an annoying talking point.

The fact is Joe has the power to save the whole country (son included) with defensive democracy and official acts but chose to just save his son instead.

Incoming Trumpkins like to talk about the ‘awesome powers of the Presidency’ and how the ‘power of the President to defend the country will not be questioned’ and they will use it to do many horrible things… but we can’t use it to stop them, defensive democracy, official acts… to prevent an element of our society backed by foreign powers that is taking part in our democracy for the sole purpose of destroying it… we can’t use that power to save it, elected Dems won’t even try… But I guess we should be glad that we’ll have a peaceful transition of power to total chaos.

And elected Dems want us to ‘fight’ for them, whatever that means, and donate to their campaigns and ‘recounts’ that don’t happen. Why would we fight for people who won’t fight for us?

Just survive somehow people, we’re on our own.

Law got way out of hand. Lots of people should be pardoned.

Get a copy of the founding documents and take your power back.

The only way to protect your own rights is to protect the rights of people you disagree with.

We all have the exact same rights.

Protect yourself by protecting the opposition.

Biden is retiring, he doesn’t care about his reputation anymore. But I’m sure Republicans will attack Democrats for this but we will see those Republicans will go blind when Trump pardons criminal

I friggin’ wish I didn’t have to see the spectacle that the US is going to become, but that would require deliberate isolation and disconnection…

Friggin’ shit… the price of living in interesting times I guess?

Lovers opining on losers

It‘s like people forgot about Bush completely.

What was he pardoned for?

D’Souza is such a shit fucker. I hate this little gremlin and his crooked-ass, upturned nose.

These people are there to do a good faith discussion. They’re con artists, they’re gonna lie and cheat with no shame.

D’Souza very obviously has no standing at all in this regard, but it’s kind of a difficult subject in general. On the one hand, you don’t want to give the right wingers fodder for their excuse that “everyone is doing it” when they shit on letter and spririt of the law and abuse it for their purposes. On the other hand, members of the upcoming Trump administration have outright gleefully announced that they are going to weaponize the law no matter what. Seeing their hate and pettiness, Biden is probably correct in assuming that his son would among the victims.

Brian T Cohen always have good points! And the double standards of this maga garbage is just incredible!

Trump pardoned a lot of his criminal friends in his first period! Not just their s guy!

Wonder how long time it will take for the s stupid maga supporters to discover T lies and deseption!

Shouldn’t he not speak! Some fucking nerve!

So that makes it better? Your criminal did it, too, so that makes it ok for my criminal!

Where’s Thomas Crooks fucking pardon? Where’s my fucking pardon? Fuck them all Trump, Biden all of them need to be reduced to ash. No mercy, no exceptions a declaration of total war.

As a goofy lil silly person that doesn’t really understand politics I love this type of posts because I don’t understand half of what people are saying and yet I can smell the bs

What point? Special treatment for me, not for thee?

Can liberals talk shit about democratic leaders too?

How is it even possible that a president has the right and the power to pardon someone? I thought a democracy thrives on the separation of powers? So why is a president allowed to overrule a court?

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